Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
City On The Edge Of Self-Deprecation
So when a community can do so, well...
I've worked in Central City, Colorado, for many years. Small town. Former mining town. It's seen its share of booms and busts.
It's a town that's had kind of a 'love-hate' relationship with the latest "gold rush" for the local economy: gaming. From the time that the state of Colorado voters approved a ballot initiative in 1990 -- and limited stakes gaming opened up in Central City, neighboring Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek, west of Colorado Springs -- residents have loved the civic improvements that gaming revenue has brought to the town. But not EVERYTHING that gaming has brought to the town.
Which has been, and will be again, another subject for another time and place.
My focus here is on one particular sign that is posted in Central City. One that visitors, tourists, passers-through, usually like to stop and take note of when driving through historical areas. Signs that mark historical places, historical events and local factoids of interest.
This sign is kinda like that. And yet, not like one I've seen much of, here or anywhere else.
I haven't done a lot of research on the sign as yet; I only noticed it earlier this week. It doesn't jump out at you. It's easy to miss, driving down Gregory Street, on the way to Black Hawk, and either back toward Denver, or on up Colorado 119 to the Roosevelt National Forest, and on north towards Boulder.
I don't know who is behind putting it up; I was told that it went up in the summer of 2011.
This sign is meant to be a factoid snapshot of Central City. One with an eye toward some good-natured municipal education and self-deprecation. Here's what the sign reads like:
Central City
County Seat of Gilpin County
- Founded 1859
- Elevation 8496
- Mile High 1.6
- Area (Rich Square Miles) 2.5
- Pop. 663
- Average IQ 101
- Houses of Worship 3
- Gambling Houses 7
- Bears 4 (in 2012, 3 more may have joined the club)
- Bars 19
- Faces On Barroom Floor 1
- Opera Houses 1
- Museums & Galleries 5
- Newspapers 1
- Breweries 1
- Troublemakers 3
- Big Shots 0
Total 11,168.1
Yep...that's what the sign reads. And yeah, that's what it totals up to.
Gotta like a town that can laugh at itself. When I go back to work, I'll get a photo of the sign. It's simple. And priceless.
Labels: Central City, Colorado, sign with town facts in humorous format
Thursday, July 26, 2012
A Time For All Things
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Christian Bale and friend visit victims of the shootings. |
I don't need to recap what happened at the Aurora Mall movie theatre in the early hours of July 20, 2012. Only someone living beyond the reach of the cyberworld, doesn't know.
And while I have responded to some stupid comments in Facebook about it -- perhaps with my own version of counterstupidity -- I won't indulge those sorts of thoughts here.
Though, it was a comment in Facebook that brought me to write this.
A local radio host -- who has covered many a horrendous news stories in his still-young career -- posted about the opening of NFL training camp at the Broncos training facility. My response: "ah, the onset of my favorite season of the year!".
The next commenter thanked us for living the "heaviness of this summer" with a post about something light and refreshing.
Perhaps a few upcoming comments won't be so kind. But you know...it is right that we talk of other things, too.
While I didn't know anyone who was personally affected by what happened at the movie theatre, I think I can say of some of the heroes therein that died to save others...they wouldn't want their girlfriends to live the rest of their lives in grief and regret. They didn't save their lives for that. They'd want them to grieve, reflect, remember...and then move on.
Because Life goes on.
I thought some about the four young men who died, protecting someone(s) they loved. The ultimate act of love and of courage, is sacrifice. Not everyone who has that courage within them, is ever faced with having to use it.
We owe a lot to those who do, though.
But more: we owe a lot to those who, though never having to do what these four young men did on July 20, are in positions that, on any given day, could put them into that very spot. Police. Firefighters. Paramedics. Any nature of first responder.
And of course, our very own young men and women of our nation's military. The best of the best.
Though, lest I forget, there are everyday heroes. Unremarkable people to those who don't know them, but on any given day and time, step up when danger and disaster rears its ugly head, and remind us that the human race -- for all it's peculiarities and eccentricities -- is made of some damned fine, courageous, unselfish stuff.
I've never been through a situation like July 20. I suppose that the closest I've come -- and it doesn't count, because only those inside can know the true horrors of what the rest of us were horrified to watch -- is Columbine. I was 5 miles away, and as far removed from the events therein, as if I'd been on the Moon at the time.
I've had a pretty unremarkable life. Most of us have.
Most of us will never face a crazed sniper in a tower on a college campus. An Oklahoma City. A Columbine or Virginia Tech. A 9/11. A Flight 93. Or a Minneapolis or Aurora mall massacre.
We should count our blessings.
But there will always be those who serve to respond, whenever and wherever it happens. They know the potential risks, each time they respond. They do it, anyway.
And there will always be those 'innocent bystanders' at a Ground Zero who will step up, even knowing that a lesser act might allow them more time on this insignificant cosmic ball we call Earth. They'll not have time to rationalize it; they'll just do, in a moment, something that ends their lives, in an effort that they hope will save others.
And I believe that they don't do it so that their loved ones can live the rest of their own lives mired in grief, guilt and regret.
Our heroes act, so that the rest of us can carry on.
And we honor those heroes, by doing just that.
Labels: 2012, Aurora Mall movie theatre shooting, heroes, July 20, life goes on
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The 'Writes' Of Scammer
If so, my apology to the wall, tree, pole, whatever, this scammer is using.
A lot of scammers start their scams from templates that are pretty intelligently written. Once taken off a template, however, they tend to reveal their lack of, or limited knowledge, of English especially in written form.
But a good number -- I reckon them to be free-lancers -- don't have access to a starting template. So they take whatever they might have, and 'wing' it.
Such was the case of one of my recent scammers, as the opening paragraph here will suggest; it came titled In Need Of Assistants:
i hope these e-mail get's to you in good state of health, my names is Mrs. Effat Moghaddam Waworundeng, i'm women who was married to Late Mr.F.JOLE Waworundeng from indonesa of blessed memory who was an oil explorter in Kuwait and Comodoro Rivadavia , a city in the Patagonian province of Chubut in southern Argentine for twelve years before he died in the year 21 Apr 2010,Pampanga, Phillipines Interiland Airline,Antonov An-12BP UP-AN216.
If this is from a template, it's from a very bad one. The whole letter was seven paragraphs in length, and all pretty much like this.
So my edit simply built upon that which was already provided herein; I just made the scammer sound even more grammatically inept:
i hope these e-mail get's to you in whatever state you're in. and pleased not to pay much attentions to how badly i write, because i is pretty stupid as you can sees here. my names is Mrs. Effat Moghaddam Waworundeng, i'm women who was formerly a mans until I not reply to email from Prem MP, and my penis fell off, so i goes to clinics to become womens where they makes me a vagina out of playdoh and bondo.
i still not yet have child because i cant not get my vagina to work i think i got a faulty one and now i want sue someone for my faulty vagina but i not knows whose to sue or how to sues them. should i sues everones named sues? this is news to me and i never watched news before. it like me discover toilet paper for first times in 2011 but i not yet find out what it makes for. is it fors writing on?
please contact someones with ability to reads this massage sos it possible that someone make senses of what i writed here because as this massage goes on i cant not remembers how it was what i wished i might get sayed here, and i knowed once time that somethings i sayed here was meant to mean somethings sayed of some kinds of value i thinks.
you replies to assist me, yes? if no then f**ks you.
remark: pleased if you do reply me with your informations to the following email:
remains wary of moro hamsters bearing telephone parts,
Mrs. Effat Moghaddam Waworundeng, formerly Mr. Wang Duk Fat Soong Dung
Email: effatwaworundeng@aol.com
The scammer -- perhaps NOT a free-lancer, perhaps with handlers about as dumb as him/her/it -- didn't take kindly to my edit:
I guess that response was more than his/her/its 'atorney' was prepared to prepare a 'brief' on. Unless a supeona is on the way? ;-)
Labels: rewriting email scams for fun and annoyance, threat of legal action against a rewrit scam letter
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Scams and Political Fundraising
And that is, asking people to donate their wedding, anniversary, and birthday gifts to the re-election campaign of the current worst potus in history.
I'm sure that, before they're through -- which we hope they are when legal and fed-up voters and taxpayers toss them out on November 6 -- they'll get lower.
Fundraising campaigns overseas -- for money from marxists and socialists around the world -- seems another step in that direction.
So it didn't seem to me much of a stretch that the campaign of the worst potus in history, would even seek out internet scammers for help.
Thus, the most recent email scam sent me from Nigeria, was crafted as if it was edited for the potus' re-election campaign, BY his re-election campaign.
While this might offend my more liberal readers, it contains a little bit of humor, and a lot of bit of truth, from a regime that sees insisting on legal ID to register and vote as racism....while requiring attendees of their campaign events to provide legal ID for access to same. If that don't make you go "hmmmm", there is something wrong within your common sense workings.
I'll return to my more usual brand of humor in my next post. Meantime, read a scam letter edit as if it came from the re-election campaign of the worst potus in history:
Who knows...the potus re-election campaign may copy and paste this scammer email for use in future fund raising. That wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Labels: nobama is the worst potus in history, rewriting email scams for fun and annoyance
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wunst Upon A Scam...
Of course, a scammer with a name like Margaret Leung Ko May Yee, might be a tad difficult to connect with.
Especially when I went off on the 'Twilight Zonesque' tangent I did.
Her opening gambit to me was simple:
I have secure business transaction for you. Please reply me soonest for detail.
Here is how my editing and expanding of her email went:
It is of great importance for you to take care and understand every word which I have written down below; please be patient and read the explanation in my email.
Labels: baiting email scammers for fun and annoyance, Margaret Leung Ko May Yee, sock puppet monster, South Park, William Shatner
Monday, July 16, 2012
When Rocks Stampede
But rocks don't stampede.
Or maybe they do. Just ask my pet rock, Seymour.
Here is photo evidence of (in)famous rock stampedes from the not-so-distant past, and localized to my neighborhood, so to speak.
I can't remember the exact date of the top photo, though it was after the second photo, which was June of 2005. Lots of rain had been falling prior, and something 'spooked' one rock, causing a chain reaction in about a thousand or so tons of them, causing about 100 yards of heretothen placid, grazing rocks to break for Clear Creek in a sudden flash mob with designs of skinny dipping, panning for gold, or chasing trout for the sheer delight of it.
Someone forgot to tell the crazed rock herd about certain facts of life, nature and mobility; few, if any of the rocks made it to Clear Creek. But they soitenly made a mess of highway US 6, west of Golden, CO.
Engineers and geologists chose to refer to this as "a massive slope failure". A spokesstone for the herd responded with a "yeah, whatever" wink and nod.
And a scant couple-three years later, a lad of rock-climbing inclinations -- see what I just did there? -- returned from an invigorating exercise of climbing on and over rocks, to find that one took a special liking to his heretothen chosen mode of automotive transportation (top photo).
Like it's prior stampeders, this rather impressive rock took for granite certain facts of nature and science. Perhaps it had seen ads by certain sports luminaries who espoused the virtues and joys of life behind the wheel of a GM product, back before it became Government Motors.
Not only was it an epic FAIL on the part of the rock, but it didn't earn it endorsements and photo ops from GM, either.
At least one rival auto manufacturer considered using the photo in their own ads ("It ain't one of ours under there!"), but a spokesperson for Yugo was curiously unavailable for follow up.
After a rather dry start to the spring and summer -- sparking fire to get the notion to stampede through areas that would rather not see fire stampede thus -- Colorado is getting some early season monsoonal relief. This welcome relief has encouraged trees, grasses and other plants to not need to stampede, while discouraging fire from doing the same.
Unfortunately, it has had an opposite effect on the rocks.
Someone at the Discovery Channel might want to get up a documentary for the rocks of Clear Creek Canyon, clearing up a few misconceptions they've garnered down the years about stampeding, or attempting to imitate certain fish that migrate upstream to breed.
And while 'blowing tires' sounds erotic, it really isn't pleasurable to all involved parties.
Yes, I did ask Seymour to intercede with his canyon brethren, but despite my most eloquent efforts, he's turned to stone.
Well, pretty much.
Labels: Clear Creek Canyon, rain, rock stampedes, Seymour the non-negotiating pet rock
Friday, July 13, 2012
Yakety Yak
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"Really?" |
First it was the yardbird who wanted my 'product pricing list' for oil-related piping and such; to his regret, he got more than he bargained for.
Now it's this Mihai Andrei, alleged 'Accounts Manager' for Yukos Oil Company -- I assume a big Russian outfit -- trying to dupe me with $28 Million in funds from some nonsense or another.
Department of Justice: instead of trying to intimidate states into keeping illegal voters on their rolls to help your current potus, why don't you put a little effort into running down these types of criminals, eh?
Silly question, I know. That's why I've spent 13 years having fun with these buffoons.
Anyway...here is the email that I received that got this started down a road destined for scam:
Subject: ProposalPermit me to seek your attention in so informal a manner. I am Mr.MIHAI ANDREI, one of
the Account Director to MIKHAIL KHODORKOVSKY,Chairman CEO:YUKOS OIL (Russian Largest Oil
Company) Chairman CEO: Menatep SBP Bank.
Basically, I seek your partnership in an urgent financial business of $28 Million US
dollar. Should you be interested, please do contact me immediately via
Fine...it took me all of about 30 seconds (yes, I'm slipping) to come up with an angle for the email rewrite. One that takes Mihai Andrei off his chosen road, and puts him on the road less travelled by scammers, but becoming more and more familiar:
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 5:59 PM
Subject: Proposal
the Account Director to MIKHAIL KHODORKOVSKY,Chairman CEO of YUKOS YAK SPERM (Russian Largest Producer Of Yak Artificial Insemination Company). I am also applied to be upcoming contestant on American Idol and America's Got Talent. I am most hopeful, yes?
Basically, I seek your partnership in an urgent financial business plan I have to establish a franchise of chain stores that specialize in collecting yak sperm in America, and artificially inseminating goats with the yak sperm, to attempt to create a breed of super goak.
YUKOS YAK SPERM (Russian Largest Producer Of Yak Artificial Insemination Company)
I think I left everybody speechless with this one. Even whatever schlep at DoJ gets stuck reading that 'report profiling' email address. If they're going to come knocking here, they need to do it soon: the donuts I bought them are starting to harden...
Labels: goaks, Mihai Andrei, rewriting email scams for fun and annoyance, yak, Yukos Oil Company email scam
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Pipes For All Occasions
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Pipes For Plumbing |
This one thinks he's going to use the "send me an oversized bogus check and have me return the balance via Western Union" ploy, by treating me as if I'm a product supplier that has what he needs.
Little did he know, I do. Just not in the format he was countin' on.
Here was his gambit:
Dear Supplier,
Can you send me your Product price lists by email to cross check if you have any of the products that the Ghana Project with Contract & Procurement Services need so that I will visit their Office and give you full details of the supply.
We shall proceed when i hear from you.
Call me or mail me okay.
EMAIL: procu3agent@gmail.com
CALL NOW : +233 268 645 733.
EMAIL: procu3agent@gmail.com
I sent him an email back suggesting that I believed my *company* had all the kind of pipe products that his *company* could want. And I followed that up by collecting a whole list of pipe *products* to forward for his purchasers to peruse:
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We had pipes for symmetrical flow |
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We had pipes for suction and blow |
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We had pipes that could handle any kind of flow |
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We had pipes that could shoot... |
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We had pipes that could sing | <><>
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We had pipes that could vent mental feces |
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We had pipes that could scoot |
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We had pipes that had various stiffness and erection stresses We had pipes that could help get you high... |
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We had pipes that could sound... |
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We had pipes that could fly |
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And we had pipes that could vent obnoxious substances |
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We even have special venting pipes, just for you.
He didn't bother to respond, though I suppose he could have responded with one of our special pipes for special vents:
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I would have arranged for a special discount for him on this one...
Labels: annoying email scammers for fun, email scammers, pipe products parody, Product catalog scam
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Number 700
Not me. Especially with posts like this 'un...
For those of you old enough to remember this cartoonish bug to the right, you'll remember it to be from a Raid Insect Killer Spray commercial back in the 1970s. I kept a copy of this, thinking that it might be useful one day.
Back in '01, I worked at a place that had cameras as a part of what the place was about. My department was primarily concerned with that aspect, but another department had limited access to some of our concern.
One camera was positioned to as to be able to see into a window in one part of the facility. Not that there was anything to see there; it just could. And for some reason, the other department seemed to like to turn the camera to look there, even though there was nothing for them to see.
Well, I fixed that: I taped a copy of the photo on the right inside the window, looking out. From that day forward, it became 'the Henhouse Bug'.
I spent a lot of years at that facility, eventually changing jobs and responsibilities, until new ownership took over 15 months ago and decided to adjust staffing levels. I was one such 'adjusted' staff.
Eh. Life happens. I went on to find and experience other endeavors, with sitting on my duff collecting unemployment and expecting others to pay my way, not one of them.
But life likes to sometimes imitate a dog chasing its tail. In so doing, I wound back up at the facility, doing what I'd used to do, and done well enough to wind back up there.
Never say "never", I suppose.
Imagine my amusement to find that 'the Henhouse Bug' was still there.
I wonder who'll get to retire first.
Labels: the Raid 'bug'
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Mebbe the DoJ Will Hep
All depends on how it's being misconscrewed, I reckon.
It all starts with the following email scam I just received:
A personal Attorney to our late client Mr. TAN SRI LIM GOH TONG who built a hilltop casino in Malaysia. before he died, he made a Will in our law firm stating that $3 Million should be donated to any Philanthropist of our choice outside Malaysia{Overseas.}
I am particularly interested in securing this money from the Bank, because they have issued a notice instructing us to produce the beneficiary of this Will, You are required to contact me immediately to start the process of transferring this money to any of your designated official account.
Please contact me urgently. Email: yousfmustafa497@yahoo.com.hk
Of course, Yousef Mustafa doesn't sound Asian. Or perhaps it does in a revisionist geography class being taught at the DoJ these days. They're teaching revisionist voter eligibility too, I hear.
Anyway, I edited the scammer's original email -- with Asian enhancements, since it was Malaysian-oriented, with Turkish highlights -- and made sure that I sent a copy of the edit to the DoJ's email address for racial profiling complaints against Arizona:
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12:18 PM
Subject: Assistance offer
I craim to be a personar Atturkey to our rate crient Mr. TAN SRI RIM GOH TONG who buirt a hirrtop casino with frushing toirets in Maraysia. He then tried to cross-use one for a whirrpoor and got stuck in the suction. He not very bright, but I digress-san.
Before he drown, he promise our raw firm $3,000,000 be donated to me.
I am particurarry interested in securing this money from Bank, because they -- the Bank -- don't berieve me when I say to them, "he reft me this money!". So I need you to pray the beneficerary person of the first part and I pray the beneficerary of the second part, and between the two of us, one of us get the money, and one of us get screwed.
Bet you can't guess what part you get to pray. Haha-san.
You are required to contact me immediatery to start the process of transferring this money to any of your designated officiar account. Prease don't catch on to fact-san that this money rearry don't exist, it just way for me to get you to send me regal fees to execute transfer of non-existent money, and have me raugh arr the way to bank with your money. Haha-san.
Prease contact me urgentry. Emair: yousfmustafa497@yahoo.com.hk
Prease not to pay attention what I write next; it is foreign gibberish. Porish, I think:
Bu mesaj ve onunla iletilen tum ekler gonderildigi kisi ya da kuruma ozel, gizlilik yukumlulugu tasiyor olabilir. Bu mesaj, hicbir sekilde, herhangi bir amac icin cogaltilamaz, yayinlanamaz ve para karsiligi satilamaz; mesajin yetkili alicisi veya alicisina iletmekten sorumlu kisi degilseniz, mesaj icerigini ya da eklerini kopyalamayiniz, yayinlamayiniz, baska kisilere yonlendirmeyiniz ve mesaji gonderen kisiyi derhal uyararak bu mesaji siliniz. Bu mesajin bilinen viruslere karsi kontrolleri yapilmistir. ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI
This message (including any attachments) is intended onry for the use of anyone it gets to, so rong as you repry to me. If you don't you are prick. I was gonna write plick, but I can't type or pronounce "L", even if I just did-san. This emair contain information that is non-pubric, proprietary, privireged, confidentiar, and exempt from disclosure under appricable raw or may constitute as attorney work product. Or none of that rast sentence appries. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you just became the intended recipient, because I need to scam money outta someone, and it may as werr be you as anyone. If you have received this communication in error, prease respond to it anyway. ISTANBUR UNIVERSITY has no friggin' idea that I use them to try to scam others. Don't tell them, prease. http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/
Not sure what I'll get first: an aggrieved response from the scammer, or a *knock* on my door ;-)
Labels: DoJ's campaign against Arizona's SB1070, editing scam emails for fun and annoyance, illegal voters