As we've learned with COVID and the available treatment options vs vaccine deception, science can be bought.Soros, Fauxci and the cdc certainly own their respective shares of scientists, etc.
And now science has joined with 'wokes' and the cancel culture to start taking pot shots at Star Wars.
My 'editing gone wild' pet rocks, Seymour and Element, didn't fail to notice this.
Listening to KOA 85 radio in Denver, they overheard hilarious ridicule of a recent article in a purported-to-be "scientific" publication that attacks the use of the Star Wars heroic 'Jedi' in the social justice warrior mode, and how 'careful' people need to be in using the Jedi to represent anything social-justicy.
That's all it took to have Seymour and Element don their editing hats and go to work:
the Term ‘JEDI’ Is Problematic for 'Woke', Cancel Culture PCists
That Think Science Is A Way To Contact Dead People
Abject Idiot 'Wokes' Now Wet Themselves Over Star Wars Imagery
Because They Say The Death Star Died of COVID For The Rebates
social justice issues – the core of the 'woke' and cancel culture
nincompoop movements now the fad of eunuchversities with accelerating
atrophy intellectually – must stop using anything related to Star
in a positive vein, say recently-hired “faux checkers” at the
substandard Onionesque periodical Scientific
Acronyms like JEDI has become a target for basement-dwelling
leftists, pondering the next portion of society that needs to be
destroyed by the most absurd means possible. Since Antifa morons
can't loot and burn down JEDI institutions like they have Portland,
they find that the whole Star
Wars ideology
must be attacked in other ways to nullify the popularity of the
series among the unvaccinated masses that are ruining Bill Gates'
dream of reducing world population to levels that even Joe Bidumb's ice cream could dictate to.
the bought-off and cowed scientific commiemunity will handle the
social rebels of South
is another matter.
like JEDI, the 'wokes' at Scientific
argue, suggest “a paragon of goodness, a principled guardian of
order and protector of the innocent.”
clearly doesn't jibe with the images and impressions the majority of
the public hold of democraps, the DNC, Antifa, Bad Lies Matter, the
Green New Deal and anything run by or reported on at cnn.The
question that must be asked, say the 'woke' scientists, is whether the images of Star
and even South
tend to undermine and defeat the efforts of the cancel culture
science commiemunity. That commiemunity, advocating frauds like
Dr. Frankenstein Fauxci, the Centers for Demo Crap, the WHO (not the
band, far as we know) and others that seek to impose the Leftist wet
dreams of absolute societal control mechanisms over society as a
whole. This is especially true of the “guns and Bibles” crowd of
self-reliant, self-responsible, critically-thinking, independent
minded deplorables.

they are desperate to achieve something at any cost while they have a
mental vegetable, fraudulently and temporarily ensconced in the White House. Soros
bought-and-paid-for “scientists” that can't figure out a gender
but know how to create toilet paper shortages, clearly need sheeple
dumbed down sufficiently to take anything said by the stupidest
person in Congress – AOC – or driveled by that toxic mix of
feminincompoops at The
View, as
serious and viable, to achieve those odious, cancerous ends.
it is not conversations about the positives of the Jedi that the Left want
to be having; it is the conversations started by sandpoundingly
stupid 'wokes' at cnn that get society to where the Left want the non-elite
populace to go.
remember that the Jedi destroyed the Death Star; the Death Star is representative of all that the Democrap Party is today. Clearly, the
Jedi were at the very “my bad” end of that scale.
as Antifa and Bad Lies Matter needed cheese ball justifications for
burning down Minneapolis and Portland, the Death Star was justified
in nuking Alderaan. Alderaan was never going to adopt the Green New
Deal and was predominantly privileged; obviously in the scheme of
today's Left, they had to go.
since the Left is funding our ever-changing brand of science – what
the Left says is settled science that's simply not up for debate,
especially when they're paying for it – that's where the bought scientists of the
Scientific Atrophy vacuously stand, subject to them changing their
minds which changes ours. Or at least, so they hope.
caution about JEDI can be simplified: the Left demands that only
those concepts that glorify communism, a power elite over a serf
herd, and expensive freezers with plenty of ice cream to appease and
distract maligNANCY and Joe Bidumb, be used. Anything that makes
Antifa, Bad Lies Matter, Jen Psuki, the COVID fraud or Dominion
software corruption look bad, must be argued against in the most
stupid manners possible. Toxic vaccines that make money for Big
Pharma and shareholders aren't the problem; inexpensive cures to
COVID that eliminate the need for those toxic vaccines are the
imagery doesn't help the Left's cause toward
full societal control.
rest of all the claims of racism, sexism, speciesism, religionism,
making fun of cnnism and all the other little isms, can not be
debated or even challenged if the Left is to complete their imposition of
sheepleism on the masses.
let us not forget the simple issues of good and evil: Star
Wars clearly
stood for good against evil. That, the masters such as the DNC,
Soros, Gates, Fauxci, cnn et al, will not stand for. Evil must
triumph or all of Soros' wild spending to undermine anything
Constitutional will have been in vain.

worth remembering and reflecting on the muddled leftist thinking
herein that Jar Jar Binks never became a leading character or social
justice warrior; he never achieved 'woke', or was ever portrayed as pulling down a
statue or looting a 7-11. This inherent shortcoming of Star
Wars should
give us pause if we are hoping to anchor our future around failed
communist ideologies, assinine 'new deals' that ruin more than they
fix, and the lies of elite Leftists that could care less about the
masses, when and if those Leftists ever gain total power over what's
left of the sheeple. Star
Wars won't
get the cancer that the Left desperately wants to get to.
So burn your Star
memorabilia, get vaccinated, get rid of your guns and Bibles, and
pray that Hellary forgives you for voting for Trump in 2016.
PetRock is a graduate of Red Rocks Community College, The Geologic
Survey, and has been around since the beginning of the Earth; he was
even a kidney stone briefly impacting a triciploplotz over 75 million
years ago. A fanatic about The Outer Limits (TOS), he sees therein
similarities between maligNANCY Pelosi and the Black Death that swept Asia
and Europe.
PetRock is a graduate of nothing in particular, being wizened by life
after an extended stay with an Amazon Alexa that taught Element,
among other things, how to fart.
I think both Seymour and Element have given up any Pulitzer aspirations for these edits, but if it pisses off the Left, they both consider that to be good enough.Labels: Science goes after Star Wars in social justice silliness, Seymour and Element editing gone wild pet rocks, Wokes are sandpoundingly stupid