A Lil' Bit of...Nuthin' and Sumpin'
A Skunk with feathers? Danged right...thoughts and musings of just such a skunk, one that learned how to type, conjugate verbiage and communicate thought processes easier than lifting the tail to scatter the opposition. It doesn't always work with 419 email scammers or the pathetically politically correct (which readers will find I ain't). For them, the tail gets lifted, and they get sprayed. *DISCLAIMER*: sometimes, it doesn't pay to drink or eat while reading this h'yar. Just sayin'...
That's about as Russian as Zigfeldt Al-Qiri El Diablo Kumquat. Why don't you try this name instead: Mr. Yukin Shovitupyouasski? You funny, funny mans, Baba. Piss poor scammer, but funny mans.
I didn't even get a KGB "thank you for letting us investigate you" note for that piece of brilliant advice. Maybe they weren't as in agreement with my brilliance as I tongue-in-cheek thunk me to be.
Next there was Mrs. Mariam Kone (mariam_40kone@yahoo.ca) , who claimed that her late husband of Sierre Leone descent fell to rebels of the Empire of the Pun or some such, and she -- a since-widowed waif -- needed the help of a "sincere, God-fearing person of sterling personal integrity" to obtain her inheritance for her.
Having just concluded a minor tiff over a tongue-in-cheek geography lesson, I felt it only fair to find out how a totally independent, "no dawg in the fight" third party felt about it, too:
Before I consent to your giving me this business so close to your scheming heart, I must ask you one very key question: will you be offended if I make fun of New Mexico? Or for that matter, Iowa? Kansas? Toledo? Newark? Upper Volta?
Your answer to this is most important, Ma'am.
Alas, no reply: guess more than one person took offense.
Finally, there was this most recent offering from -- of all personages -- a princess. Yep, that's right: I was being appealed to by royalty. Princess Sarah Johnson (pr.sarah11@yahoo.fr or princesssarahjohnson1@yahoo.com) *barely restrained guffaw*, daughter of the late Chief Adam Johnson *snort*, "who lost his life in the course of crisis here in Cote D'ivoire on his way to there company (Nestle Food Plc)"..*died over a crunch bar? Mwhahahahahaha*. And because she was under the age of 22, she needed the help of a "reliable foreign person", and had learned through "internet research" that I was "such a person she could turn to".
Please put on a version of that violin solo from Young Frankenstein! to go along with this.
At any rate, I wanted to impress her with how impressed a country bumpkin like me is, to be contacted by royalty with the genuine effort to give me the royal business. I don't think I succeeded:
Your most Roiledness:
I don't know what ta say hyar; ain't nevr been writ to by a princess afore. It is...so humblin a thang to have happin. My ma always sez ah'd nevr mount to much more than a hoot in a holler, and ah nevr quite knowd what that wuz supposed ta amount to, but ah didn't figger it fer much.
Now, like one a them short fellers from the movie Charcoalrella, ah dun been touched by a real princess. Right proud moment fer me, Ma'am, shore 'nuff. My classmates at Hawggutts High will be eatin' their harts out when they gits a load a dis.
But nuff a that thar...what, malady, can this modest, humble and awsteer subject do on behalf of your Roiledness? Command me hyar, Princess; ah await yer biddin'. Hope it starts at aleast $5. Iffen y'all needs wun, ah knows a auctioneer h'yarbouts what kin flap the lips offa suck-egg mule, shore 'nuff.
An' jest so's ya know: you may be a princess, but ah ain't no frawg. My friens call me "warthawg", but that's better than a frawg.
Guess maybe she was good enough with her cypherin' and wordifying to figger out what it wuz ah dun said hyar. No reply.
Guess my classmates at Hawggutts High won' give a hoot in a holler either, eh?
It took a couple days, but the solicitor wasn't much impressed with my character's answer to his offer:
Your reply is ridiculous. Your friend has publicists who sell her image for money all the time. Exploit her? You're an idiot.
Don't that beat all.
Well, my character couldn't resist an "Oh, YEAH?" return salvo:
Hey Schmuck,
What my friend chooses to do with HER image -- let's be clear on that point, it's HER image, not yours, not mine, but HERS -- is up to HER. Not to some unknown, dubious moron like you. You want her yearbook images so bad, grow some cajones, write to her and ASK HER YOURSELF. And there's nothing idiotic about protecting a friend, except perhaps to you, which doesn't say much for you. But since you're not MY or HER friend, no biggie.
That drew a very short, two word retort, the kind that is indicative of a progressive losing an argument, and having nothing further to offer but the parting insult.
Game, set and match to my character.
Not that this somewhat-famous Hollywood actress will ever know of this exchange, let alone the step taken by a high school alum separated by 17 years to, er, "defend her honor", so to speak. Heck, she might have even chosen to gleefully send this clown her high school yearbooks herself. But that's between her and him, if he ever figures out how to contact and ask her.
At any rate...amongst the chaff and nonsense that clutters the pagewaves of a certain networking space dot com, there rests a profile. A profile of a woman. One with something of a Russian/Irish mix to her name, and a kind of sassy profile with suggestive, if not entirely provocative, pictures.
Don't bother writing to it ;-)