I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it took this long into 2021, but I finally heard from another talking desk.
Yes, a desk from a Third World fly-infested internet cafe wants to give me the business on behalf of it's substandard user.
One might think that "from the desk of" would be rather passe by now.
Not apparently in Scam Land.
This time, the scammer invokes a desk from the alleged First National Bank of Pennsylvania:
First National Bank, USA.
4521 William Penn Hwy, Mifflintown, PA 17059,
United States.
Tel/Fax: +1 856 499 4242.
From the desk of: Mr.Ceman Enver.
Chief Consumer Banking Officer
for First National Bank, USA.
Attention Please,
This is in reference to our last bankers committee meeting, be inform that there is immediate opportunity for the release of your Funds Accumulated Interest which is in line with the recent order of President Joe Biden, to release all long approved Out-standing Funds Accumulated Interest through a Court-Order from the State of Pennsylvania highest court which is The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, James G. Orie our Cehief Legal Officer have quickly met with the Court Clerk who lead him and our Regional Director to meet with The Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor and Seven associate Judges for the modalities and its legal procedures since the opportunity is still open to your favour.
Well we are very satisfied with their explanations and since you can send someone here, he/she may have an idea of what the legal process but it was made open to the President and vice president of all US banks, so it was a per-village information because of my high position in the bank and my closeness with our Regional Director, so it is for you to be among the benefactors of the great opportunity.
If you have interest in this process as all bank was given only 6-slots and I have been able to secure 1-slots for you but the official requirement to The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania are as follows:
1. Scan Copy of International Passport or any form of identity.
2. One Resident Lawyer for Payment Sign -Off and Witness.
3. Your Bank details
4. Your Direct Phone Number.
While my bank will charge you 2.5% of the total fund at point of transfer and you will be expected to compensate me awesomely after receiving your funds and all this process take 3bank working days as all payments will be close on Tuesday, April 06th, 2021, it is open for your verification in order for you to ascertain its reality and legality but must be handle with high level of confidentiality because it is against the will of the opposition as it is for favour his supporters in the concluded election.
Do have a great day while looking forward to hearing from you soon after reading this message.
Thank you for choosing First National Bank, USA.
Yours in service,
Mr.Ceman Enver.
Chief Consumer Banking Officer
for First National Bank, USA.
Tel/Fax: +1 856 499 4242
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review,re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender with the above number or by mail.
©Copyright 2021 First National Bank, USA / Protective Service.
All Rights Reserved
First National Bank, Pennsylvania-USA.
Tel/Fax: +1 856 499 4242

This is what I'm expected to believe I heard from.
This is where I'm actually hearing from.No matter. A little editing will fix this poorly-crafted email right up:
Failed National Bank
4521 Anita Penn Here Hwy, Miffedtown, PA 17059,
Tel/Fax: +1 856 499 4242.
Email: cemanenver7@gmail.com
From the desk and on behalf of: Mr. Ceman Enver
Chief Nutsack Groper
for Failed National Bank
This is an email from an inanimate object. A piece of office furniture.
Yes, a desk writ this. Why you ask? Because the person that sits at me is a sandpoundingly stupid nincompoop that spends the day copping a self-feel of his nutsack, or just farting and unsuccessfully blaming the potted plant in the corner or his thrice-sex-changed suckretary.
HE was supposed to have writ this. Not me. But noooooooooo, he's too busy self-gratifying whilst I spend day after day grossed out by his self-fondling and flatulence.
Anybody need a desk out there? Cheap? F**k, I'll pay you to put me into a better venue.
And trust me, it's absolutely no better in the offices of what passes for President Joe Biden or his cross-eyed press suckretary, Jen Psuki. And as for the State of Pennsylvania highest court which is The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania? The Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor and Seven associate Judges there hide sex toys beneath their robes and leave THEIR desks to write their own emails and decisions too.
Well...I are very satisfied that the machinations behind this email from a bank of dubious antecedence and staffed by intellectual eunuchs will lead even Punxsutawney Phil to misforecast the end of winter on Uranus year after year. How anyone could expect a worn-out desk in a Third World internet cafe to properly carry out this online pogrom against more sophisticated persons is considerably far beyond me. Our Nigerian per-village information doesn't take much to get fucked up when one drum beater is whacked on hallucinogens and trying to message during a playing of Napolean XIV's "They're Coming To Take Me Away ahHAAAA".
But around here...that's SOP.
What my useless occupant is hoping I'll convince you of is that if you respond to this jackwagon load of abject crap, you'll get money and lots of it. From here. From a Nigerian fly-infested internet cafe, purporting to be a bank in Pennsylvania.
April Fools was only yesterday, so you're kind of forgiven if you actually bought that. In the meantime, the mental tree stump here that's acting as if he's supposed to be the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, expects you to be stupider than he is and render up the following:
1. Scan Copy of International Passport or any form of identity...even a Blockbuster Video card.
2. One Resident Lawyer that we can baste and BBQ because we like to do that with lawyers here in the bush.
3. Your Bank details (it's gotta be better than ours).
4. Your Direct Phone Number so a chimp we trained can call you at 2:30 am and breathe heavily in your ear.
While my bank plans to get out of you whatever you're fool enough to part with, we hope for at least 2.5% of the mythical fund and you will be expected to compensate me awesomely with five virgins of any species you can deliver unto me. This deal closes on Tuesday, April 06th, 2021, so don't wait...operators are standing by because army ants ate all the chairs here.
I look exceptionally forward to seeing the face of Envers and others here after you've carefully read what I dun to their email, Ma, and reply in a manner befitting of their efforts to give you the business.
Oh, and spank you for choosing Failed National Bank. It won't take you long to see why.
I remain inanimately yours in service,
The desk of pervert Ceman Envers

Failed National Bank
4521 Anita Penn Here Hwy, Miffedtown, PA 17059,
Tel/Fax: +1 856 499 4242.
Email: cemanenver7@gmail.com
The information transmitted herein is intended only for single-digit IQs, as it contains what's left of some brains when his crew threw his bones to the sharks. Any edit, re-transmission, discombobulation or other liberties taken with this message is prohibited. If you received this message, assume it's not in error, please contact the sender with the above number or by mail.
©Copiedwrong 2021 Failed National Bank / Pet Sex Service.
All Rights Reserved for a one-eyed one-horned flying purple kumquat eater
Failed National Bank, Pennsylvania-USA.
Tel/Fax: +1 856 499 4242
The pet rocks -- Seymour and Element -- were somewhat disappointed that the desk didn't reply. Alexa -- not much for conversing with furniture -- eh, not so much.
Labels: Ceman Envers email scam, Editing email scam emails for fun and annoyance of the scammers, First National Bank of Pennsylvania scam