Friday, July 30, 2021

And Still More Illuminincompoops

The Nigerian branch of the Illuminincompoops is persistent.

Not convincing...but persistent.

The real Illuminincompoops out there must find them embarrassing.

Here's their latest effort to give me, my two pet rocks and my deactivated Alexa by Amazoid, da business:


Join illuminati today join the great illuminati brotherhood today
and live a better and happy life. Welcome to the great temple of
Riches, Fame and Powers. Are you a business Man, or Woman,
Politician, Musician, Pastor, Lawyer, Actor, Actress, banker, and
you? want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can
achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great illuminati  
brotherhood. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be
fully accomplished, if you really want to be a member of the
great illuminati  brotherhood, note: New members are rewarded
with $100,000.00 US Dollars A Golden Ring will be offered, that
will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to all

No human sacrifices or sharing of blood. if you are

really interested contact us today on via email: or whatsApp on +1 (480) 442-

with best wishes
Mr. Danny Paul   

Yes, I know that they say that they are the illuminati temple usa...which is what most Nigerian illuminincompoop templates instruct their sheeple to email from their fly-infested internet cafes around Lagos.


Since the Nigerian illuminincompoops most closely follow Democrap National Crimemittee substandards, it seemed only right to work that into the edit:

From: Dr.Danny Paul <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:27 AM
Subject: Good Golly Miss Molly Please Lick My Lolly!
Good Golly Miss Molly Please Lick My Lolly!

Join the Nigerian chapter of the Illuminincompoops...please?

Join the abjectly substandard Nigerian chapter of the Illuminincompoops
and live a life that sucks worse than anything imaginable. Welcome to the 
painful rectal temple of disease and deceit, Nigerian Illuminincompoop
style.  Are you a Man, Woman, Gender Neutral or non-binary octosexual
orthopod, or one of 58 mental illnesses the DNC made up to let 
pedophiles have access to kids in public bathrooms?

If you are, then you can be sure that lots of pedophiles in politics,
entertainment, big pharma, big tech, and other abject sacks of sh*t
plan to be famous in life by wrecking your dreams to fulfill their

You can't achieve your dreams by being a member of the Abjectly
Substandard Illuminincompoops gender-fluidhood.  Do this and
your dreams are a swirly disappearing down the toilet.  That is

Note: New members are rewarded with sending us money and
receiving in return not ONE F**KING THING!!!  The human sacrifices 
and sharing of blood will follow if you come to Nigeria where our
fine young cannibals are standing by to take your reservations.

If you have the IQ of a tree stump -- rather like kamala -- contact us today on via email: or whatsApp on +1 (480) 442-
Bite us,
Mr. Danny Paul

 The originating scammer had only one observation about the edit:

make jest of the illuminati at your peril fool.

I will.  Let me know how that empty threat works out for you, twatwaffle.  Asking for a friend.

The pet rocks and deactivated Alexa are hiding in the corner -- Seymour is wielding my five iron -- and I'm just waiting for that peril....*Jeopardy Theme song on loooooong loop*

Meanwhile, another recipient of the edit chimed in with some degree of confusion:

What's this for?  How this help our business?

Oh for egg salad f**k's sake, can't you see the obvious parallel parkings between the lines of your scheme and this one?  It's clear as river mud to me.  Have yourself slathered with honey and staked down on an army ant hill for one hour you buffoon.  That's an illuminincompoops typical indoctrination test of faith.

stop write to me!!!

Awww gee, and just when it was starting to get good.

The pet rocks and deactivated Alexa are still hiding, but they do like that honey idea...

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Blogger Sandee said...

The pitch is always the same, but your graphics make these fun.

Have a fabulous day and weekend, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ♥

30 July, 2021 09:00  

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