Monday, September 23, 2019


Occasionally my scam-baiting character gets invites to "international" conferences.

Apparently the scammers have adopted the DNC-approved non-gender identity thing for whom they invite to what:

On behalf of the International Women’s Healthcare Foundation (IWHF), I
am pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming International global
conference on Child care & Youth empowerment, HIV/AIDS Nutrition and
Dietetics, holding from 9th to 14th December 2019 in Dallas, Texas,
United States.

The organizing committee sponsors are responsible for participant’s
visa processing for those who requires visa to United States. Free
round-trip air tickets will be provided by the organization. We shall
send you more information for registration processing immediately we
receive your response of interest.

If interested Please contact the conference secretariat for more
information and registration for participation at: [ ]. We look forward to your swift response.

Warm Regards,
Sharon R. Pontius, M.D., M.H.SC.
Staff Member & Program Coordinator.  

The scam, of course, is advanced fees that have to be paid to attend this non-existent conference.  Sounds pretty much like something only democraps would cook up.

And that made the edit exceptionally easy:

Subject: Conference For Gender Crisis Initiation Invitation

Dear Sir/Madam/55 Other Choices, mostly mental health issues,

On behalf of the International Gender Identity Crisis Initiation
Foundation (WTFamI), I am pleased to invite you to attend the

upcoming International/interstellar conference on How To Cornfuse
Anyone With What The Flying Fish Fiddlesticks Their Gender Is, holding from 9th to 14th
December 2019 in San Crapcisco, Kaliforlornia, United States.

 The organizing committee sponsors are responsible for participant’s
illegal border crossing for those who want to be escorted illegally into
the US by a democrap running for president who has no clue about
the rule of law and could care less.  They'll care even less if you are
male, female, octosexual orthopod or just a freak of self-made nature.

Free everything -- round-trip air tickets, lodging, food, medical care,
pleasure enemas, whatever the frankfurter appeals to you -- will be provided
by the DNC. We shall send you more information for registration
processing immediately we receive your response of interest.

Attendees will learn how they were wrongly informed of their gender
from birth, and will be indoctrinated in how to choose what they
want to be from 57 choices (two regular, two alternative, fifty-three mental defectual
options), as well as how to sue their parents, antecedents,
Fox News, George Washington and God for having misled them
about what they've been all this time.

 If interested -- if you're a snowflake who finds offense at whatever
the DNC or cnn/ms13nbc tell you to be offended by, then you
can't help but be interested in this, because it contains Bernie's
favorite misleading word, FREE -- please contact the conference
suckretariat for more information and registration for participation at: 

We look forward to your sandpoundingly ignorant response.

Sharon R. Fallatio, pHd, BFR, OMG, FUBAR, STD
Staph Member & Pogrom Coordinator.
International Gender Identity Crisis Initiation
Foundation (WTFamI)
A DNC/Jeffrey Epstein Affiliate   
My character was not surprised to hear nothing further from the originating scammer.
He might yet hear from one of the fifty-three mental health issues...

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Blogger Sandee said...

You stay up nights thinking about these rewrites don't you. I love the graphics the best. You and I are on the same page.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. 😎

23 September, 2019 07:57  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Actually Sandee, I just open up the email, read it, sip coffee, pass gas and just let whatever comes to mind wind up in the edit.

Four concussions help.

24 September, 2019 02:02  

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