Agent Name: Mr. James Copeland
Mobile Number: +229-98-53-5365
Contact him for the issuance and the delivery of your ATM Card and make sure your ATM CARD is activated before delivery to your postal address as instructed. As soon as you establish a contact with him, an ATM card will be issued to you immediately. Send the following information’s as stated below to avoid wrong delivery:
1. Your Full Name:
2. Your postal address:
3. Your Age:
4. Occupation:
5. Mobile Numbers:
We expect your urgent response to this matter to enable us monitor this payment to avoid further delay.
Congratulations in Advance as you follow instructions.
Yours in Service.
Mrs Susan Graham
United Nations
After a wee bit of editing, the email went back to the originator, along with about 100 of the originators pals and colleagues, along with one douche nozzle and a party of twat waffles:
1775 K ST NW # 400
WASHINGTON D.C., DC 20006-1500
TEL/FAX: +1-206-202-1160
This is incredible...we have actually been authorized by United Nations New Suckretary-Genital Antуnio Guterres, and the governing body of the UNITED NATIONS Monkeytary Eunuchs to assure you that the ATM card we fabricated in our Third World factory for doing this on your behalf have been fabricated with authentic genital warts. You may thank the Benin Republic government in West Africa.
We have discovered with dismay that your previous ATM card fabricated there was necessarily delayed because it did not have the authenticated genital warts that corrupt officials of the Bank in West Africa Benin Republic were assuring us it was supposed to have. To forestall this, the UN Left of Center for Disease Propagation was organized in the form of your personal Identification number (PIN) and this will enable only you to have the genital warts embedded on your card. We are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation/Instructions, your complete infection of authenticated genital warts is assured thought this very specific ATM VISA CARD. You are therefore advice to contact our Agent:
Agent Name: Mr. James Copeland
Mobile Number: +229-98-53-5365
Contact him so we know that you are going to get your just infection of genital warts as dictated by the UN and other Left of Center arganizations which suck worse and harder than Bill Clinton on a vaginal dipped cigar. As soon as you establish a contact with him, a specially infected ATM card will be issued to you immediately. Send the following information’s as stated below to avoid wrong delivery:
1. Your Full Name:
2. Your postal address:
3. Your Age:
4. Occupation:
5. Mobile Numbers:
We expect your urgent response to this matter to enable us to assure the UN that you have the genital warts they consider you deserving of without further delay.
Congratulations in Advance as you follow instructions and watch your genitals fall off.
While this drew no response from the scammers or Democraps, I find myself wondering if any of the pals or colleagues of the scammers did their usual reading comprehension *FAIL* and wound up getting themselves an ATM card. With genital warts...
I'd pass on this one. On one wants genital warts.
Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ☺
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