Monday, May 4, 2020

The Next Panic?

Looks a tad malevolent, doesn't it?

It's a hornet.  Reputedly an giant Asian 'killer' or 'murder' hornet.


Wasn't Chinese Wuhan COVID enough for one year?

Guess not.

These hornets are alleged to have entered the USA via Washington State, the same democrap-run/ruined state that had one of the first Chinese Wuhan coronavirus cases in the USA.


The hornets apparently attack honey bee populations, beheading and just generally not playing nice with the particular bee that's essential in the food chain for us humanoid types.

And hornets being hornets, they don't cotton much to people, either.

So they're bad juju.

Now I know what you're thinking...punk:  if the Chinese Wuhan bad bat virus doesn't get Trump for the dems, they've set up their next panic, just waiting on cnn to start the hysteria with their single-minded "get Trump" reporting.

Can't say as I blame you for thinking that. It fits their total lack of character.

Granted, we did go through a mild "OMG" phase when African killer bees arrived in the USA, apparently bent on wiping out honey bees and us too.

Fortunately, enough is known about the hornets that authorities locally are going after them with a vengeance.  Too bad they don't treat Antifa the same way, but I digress.

Of course, there's an easier way to go about eradicating this scourge:

See the nice lady with the mini-gun?  Well, she's demonstrating a product by this blog's writer's parody company, Bonco.  And here's a brief rundown on just how it can save us all from cnn's next fake news panic-mongering:

She is, of course, demonstrating the AI-controlled and directed Buga-BOOM by Bonco, that fires pellets the size of sand granules at a rate of 6000 rounds per minute and will take any flying *thing* out at ranges up to 500 yards (along with any man-made structures). 

For the first 100 orders free kevlar sheeting for all in-and-out buildings is provided (installation not included). Be the first on YOUR BLOCK to be ready willing and able to handle the Chinese Wuhan Hornets* in apocalyptic fashion! 

Operators are standing by at six foot intervals for your call...1-900-BUGBOOM...except where that's an actual number. Restrictions apply but are written in Azerbaijani script that Google Translate can't. You may want to read the Disclaimer, if you can find it. 

*for all we know, they're from an especially pissed off nest out of Newark that had their Great Wall visit curtailed by the Wuhan stuff that at least the hornets do blame the democraps for...

So what else will 2020 potentially bring us to further the democrap's maligNANCY talking points of "no matter who it hurts, GET TRUMP"?  Watch cnn for one...the worst network in the history of television will be at the fore with the next ploy.

And when ANYONE attempts to utter a defense of cnn:

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Blogger Sandee said...

Love them all but the CNN stuff was the best. Spot on.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. 😎

04 May, 2020 12:28  

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