Wednesday, April 15, 2020

It Ain't Ovah, But...

Yup...the Chinese virus thang isn't over yet, but it's getting along.

Try as dems and their lamestream propagandists in the media might, the 'panic' days of the pandumbic seem to be winding down.

Except for the dems and their propagandists in the lamestream media, who still haven't yet laid a glove on The Donald.'s been President Trump that's been spanking the former and latter.

Anyway, in times like these one thing is as certain as cnn's suckass ratings:  memes abound.  I've saved up a poke of them for your enjoyment:

Yeah, that worked really well in NYC...

Karen really HATES that darn cat...

At one point, TP was fast eclipsing crypto-currency...

Social distancing was taken to extremes at times...

Some assembly indeed...

The legal community is already game planning for the future..

They would come to thank him later on...

The prez had a good sense for an April Fools joke that wasn't all that off the mark...

Even koalas had to resort to koala-ty checking of their food supply...

Leave it to cats to have this figured out...

Doggie *rimshot*...

Cats had to have their own version...

Which led the Chick-fil-A cows to milk it a bit too...

And cartoon characters too...

Someone found a helluva great dating angle in it...

And so did the Church...

Poor little bloodsuckers...they didn't get the memo...

And of course, South Park weighed in after the My Pillow CEO said things to upset the easily-upset Left...

Bill Gates claimed to have the answers...unfortunately, the memes beat him to it...

Of course, anyone dying from anything had to somehow be tied to the Chinese virus...

And they do mean 'anyone'...

Like I said...

Remember the Apocalypse riders, dissing their pal?  They ain't laughing now...

The quarantine thing was great for some, not so great for others...

And for a few, it was just gnarly...

What was up, now became down, vice-versa and verse-visa...
As with every good panic/pandumbic, there are also the laws of unintended consequences, which will come when barber shops finally reopen, and appointments are harder to get than toilet paper was...

Discrimination raised it's ugly haid during social distancing...

And idiot politicians...

New meds will be coming out, not that some conditions are treatable when the patient lacks the sense of a door knob...

Yes, the haters will still hate as ridiculously as they have ever since 11/8/16...

And the rest of us will look back on this in our own ways...

With a sense of profound...timelessness...

And years from now, some will have stories to tell their grandchildren about the great Chinese virus/TP shortage of 2020...

But some things will never change...thank God...

And yes, with shortages came substitutions with unintended sides...

So enjoy yourselves...I'm sure that, no matter what the 'crisis', the memes will just keep coming...

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Blogger Sandee said...

It is a dem panic for sure.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. 😎

15 April, 2020 10:06  

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