Saturday, April 1, 2017

Ain't The Titanic Already Gone?

This almost sounds like an April Fools prank, don't it?

Like it's down 12,000 or so feet at the bottom of the Atlantic, and been that way since April 15, 1912.

One of several reasons that April 15 sucks, but I digress.  And will even moreso coming up.

A little online blurb on The Weather Channel suggests that the wreckage of the RMS Titanic may be gone by 2030, due to wreck eating bacteria.

I had no idea that Hellary was down there teething, after placing second to a deplorable.

It would explain a lot, but that's not the subject here.

Mr. Edward Kong is the subject here.  And his scam is the subject here:

Dear Customer!!!,

DHL Courier Company Benin branch wish to inform you that your package with registration CODE ( DCJKT00678G) is now ready to deliver to you as authorized by the depositor of your package Mrs. Chioma Ude U.N Secretary to this Company and we can assure you that we are experts and will commence the delivery of your package to your doorstep as soon as you comply with our mode of delivery system, Your package is properly sealed registered and will be deliver to you within 24hours as the depositor registered the package along with some vital documents required by DHL Courier Company under delivery rules and regulation to effect the delivery to your destination without any further delay,

I am writing to confirm the fact if you are (Dead) Or (Alive)? Because Mr.Dubem Afam came to our office stated that you are dead and failure to reply back in the next 24hrs simply means what Mr. Dubem Afam said was right that you are dead. And Mr.Dubem Afam has agreed to pay the needed valued of $188 dollars required for the Security keeping fee of your Package, but we have not gotten the money from him yet as we want to find out if you are dead or not, so if you are still (alive) you are advice in your own best interest to reply back,

We receive our Delivery fee from the depositor Mrs. Chioma Ude. The only fee you have to pay is our Security keeping fee only, from you and you should know that, This measures of charging Security keeping fee is to always protect the package of our customers and to ensure the safety delivery to his or her destination.

According to our Security keeping fee, The delivery of your package to your destination will cost you sum of $65 Dollars only, and the fee should send to our account officer OUNWAMON DJOSSA via Money Gram only with the following details;






Senders Name:

Senders address:

Be advised to send the fee today so that we can start arranging for the delivery of your package to you since that is the only thing we are waiting for.

I am expecting your response immediately to enable us start the delivery process.

Mr. Edward Kong.

The fact that this email arrived around the time that I saw the article on the Titanic, well...even my pet rock, Seymour, heard the *TOING* that this generated.  The edit would be in keeping widdit:


DHL Courier Company Benin branch wish to inform you that by the year 2030, the RMS Titanic will be gone.

Yes, of course:  we ALL KNOW that it's been gone since April 15, 1912, when it got pricked by an ice boig and sank in 12,000 feets of water in the Atlantic Ocean, a place as forgiving as the hellary 2016 crimepaign after they lost.
But it ain't just going to be as gone as it is now; it's going to be ALL THE WAY GONE.  BUH-BYE.  OUTTA HERE.  NO MO'.  Not even Captain Jack Sparrow, South Park or the Somali pilates of the Gulf of Aden can do anything about this 'un!
Never mind that abject crap from The Weather Channel (which we don't get here anyway) about a sunken ship eating leftist paraslight that's munching away on the remnants at the 12,000 foot bottom of the Atlantic Ocean; it'll be GONE because we here in Benin have come up with a unique way to make money.
Sell pieces* of the RMS TITANIC!
Our scavengers are busy practicing with their scuba gear and cutting torches, and in 2017 we are sending teams of Benin frogpeople (with a nod to political correctness) down to cut up, raise, and sell pieces of the RMS Titanic to just like you!  AND AT A FRACTION OF THE COST OF THOSE NINCOMPOOPS FROM NIGERIA!!!  Those douche canoes will overcharge you when they pitch you the same offer NEXT MONTH.
Just remember that you saw it HERE, FIRST.  And our parts will not only be authentic**, but they'll cost you but a fraction of what the Nigerians will charge you for the same stuff***.
If you believed that Jill Stein could find the votes in three US states to overturn an election -- and that she raised millions for that purpose -- then you'll damn sure believe that we can do this!
And when you PRE ORDER your package with our Benin recovered authentic parts**** of the RMS Titanic, complete with the registration CODE ( OMGWTF00678G) you'll get ABSOLUTELY FREE***** a signed document that says what we're sending you is off of the RMS Titanic; a document that has an authentication number that PROVES****** the item is off the RMS Titanic; and a picture of one of our divers floating next to what's left of the wreck, while a lacking mores eel eats him for an upcoming episode of Survivor:  Life With The Carnivorous Butts of the Kardashians.   
You'll get ALL THIS when you Western Union us just $99.95!  That's right:  just $99.95!
Those douche canoe Nigerians can't even touch that deal!!!
 Your package will come to you properly sealed so that nothing therein can bite you or rape your porcelain goat collection, and all delivered to you within 24 hours aof you wiring us the $99.95!
You'll never get the business again like this, we promise*******!
So wire your $99.95 as instructed below without any further delay.  And please we do not need emails from pranksters and dead peoples that vote for democraps; if you are either of those, kindly refrain from partaking of this QVCesque deal.




AMOUNT: $99.95


Test Question:  WTF

Test Answer:  YouTF

Be advised to send the fee today so that we can start arranging for the delivery of your package to you since that is the only thing we are waiting for.

I am expecting your response immediately to enable us start the delivery process.

Mr. Edward Queen Kong.

*   we actually have a crapload of rusting leftover fishing boat parts that we've collected for this one.
**  oh, they'll be authentic parts off of rust boats...just not the one we're talking about
***  our rusted assorted boat parts are more believable than those used by the Nigerians; they get all their sh*t from the Somali pirates at retail.  Twatwaffles.
****  See our free documentation's almost as good as our dying mistress with $27 million USD in the bank here in Benin...
*****  free our ass...see the fee and instructions for wiring it.  Free...ha.
****** we're using the same proof that Bela Pelosi uses to argue she has two working brain cells instead of the one she's down to.
******* if you fall for this one, you'll be hearing from every last mugu guyman in West Africa with a 'puter and a template...
DISCLAIMER:  if you wire us $99.95 and are dissatisfied with what you receive, you are free to contact us and have your emails bounce because we'll be on to our next scam, selling plots on Uranus for colonization!  Today, the Titanic; tomorrow...something else.  

Mr. Kong had nothing to say to this edit; perhaps the image of Jill Stein was enough to scare him into silence.

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Blogger Sandee said...

I love it when you give them back the business. Very cool.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to my buddy Seymour. ☺

01 April, 2017 09:17  

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