Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Sarah's Had It With That Crap

My character got an email from Sarah Connor.

No, probably not THAT Sarah Connor.  Nor me thinks did it come from the porn star of the same name.

This one had an entirely different take to her scam.

See h'yar:

                      Survey & Evaluator

We have a customer service survey assignment in your location and we will pay $317/Assignments. Which would come in the form of a cashiers check for you to perform your Assignments.
This is part time job and only need 30-40 minutes per assignment. The job Entails an Evaluation process such as visiting Wal-Mart / K-Mart,e.t. c. For more info please enter details : 
__Name (first/last) :  
__Address  :
__Country, State, City, zip :
__Phones (cell/home) :
__Age & Sex :
__Alternative email :
__Occupation : 
Thanks for being here with us. We will soon provide more information to your address. 
Best Regards,  
Sarah Connor
SE. Networks Dept.  
Now, this is how I last remember seeing Sarah Connor.  The Terminator movies were not her friend.
*TOING* went the edit:
From: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 3:07 AM
Subject: Stopping Terminators With Flatulence

                      Survey & Evaluate Flatulence Meant To Stop Time Traveling Terminators For Fun, Profit and Survival

We have a problem with time traveling terminators coming back and trying to kill me and my spawn. 
Three f**king movie sequels is about all of this sh*t I am prepared to take.  So I refuse to read another gawddamned script for another gawddamned sequel, and I want YOU to take it.  We will pay $317/Assignments. Which would come in the form of a cashiers check for you to perform your Assignments.
This is part time job and only need 30-40 minutes per assignment. The job Entails farts lethal enough to send time traveling terminators back to the 20-what-ever-the-f**k-Century they come from, begging the cyborgs NOT to send them back. 

You'll be doing me a helluva favor by taking on this thankless task.  For more info please enter details :
__Name (first/last) :  
__Address  :
__Country, State, City, zip :
__Phones (cell/home) :
__Age & Sex :
__Alternative email :
__Just How BAD Is Your Flatulence : 
Thanks for being the anal bad ass we're rather hoping you are. We will soon provide more information to your address. 
Best Regards,
Sarah Connor 
Sick of the Terminator Series and the sh*t that goes widdit.
Privy Policy | Customer Flatulence Support | Holy Sh*t That's Rank©2017 Farts That Stop Time Traveling Terminators Dead In Their Cyborg Time Leaps. All Rights Studiously Analyzed For Future Recriminations in small cramped spaces with no ventilation and public elevators.  Restrictions do apply.                                                     

The email originating "Sarah Connor" was apparently overwhelmed by what we dun to her email, Ma.
And that didn't help it one bit...

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Blogger Sandee said...

I just wish I had her body when she acted in that movie. Awesome body.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ☺

29 March, 2017 10:22  

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