Eunuchversities That Are 'Woke' Best Go Back To Sleep
The devolution of universities into 'woke' eunuchversities continues apace.
The latest to seek to atrophy their IQ by choice is Point Park, some miniscule facility in Pennsylvania.
They recently came out with an email to students that warned of possible consequences for not acknowledging and honoring alternative gender pronouns, identifications, etc.
The first person ever in history to ask the question "how DUMB can one be?" never thought that'd be taken as a challenge by the Left.
Well, my editing gone wild pet rocks, Seymour and Element...they saw it coming and know'd that the Left lives to find ways to get ever dumber. And saw another email deserving of an edit:
Another College In Pennsylvania Goes Fully 'Woke'(aka, eunuchversitized)
By Seymour/Element PetRock – WTF News Soivice
A university in Pennsylvania issued a warning to thinking, rational students stating that "action could be taken" against them if they do not honor a variety of artificial mental illnesses created by the Left and spoon-fed to dumbed down, eager-to-play-victim stoopdents and their nonsensical personal choice of preferred pronouns.
In a rather sandpoundingly stupid email, Point Park Eunuchversity's Office of Abject Idiocy At Any Price notified incoming students of its "Mis/Mrgendering, Pronoun/Antinoun Misuse, and Deadnaming Policy."The email stated – because the nincompoop that wrote it isn't capable of saying it aloud – that "any individual who has been informed of another person's blithering, self-aggrandizing foolishness under the guise of leftist-created gender identity, pronouns, or chosen name, is expected to kiss the ass of that individual."
It also said "action could be taken" if a complaint is filed regarding the policy, regardless of the validity of the complaint. Some hammerhead at the eunuchversity dusted off an old leftist claim that “it's the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Truth and fact have no place in today's eunuchversities, a “duh pronouned” spokesporpoise was quoted as mouthing.
Action could be based on examples used in Portland and Minneapolis by Antifa and Bad Lies Matter, all the way up to and including the assordid methods of execution used by North Korea's pudgy whackmeister, Kim Jung Un, such as execution by hungry dogs or by being strapped to a pending errant missile test.
However, it does not specify if there is any limit to what that action is or how the policy would be enforced.
"While the Eunuchversity no longer recognizes the aspect of intent versus impact, we are adopting any excuse to prevent anyone from being offended by anything, if a stoopdent finds any possible way to feel impacted in a pseudo-harmful way. In such a case as we will encourage, action will likely be taken the very instant a complaint is filed," the email drivels on.

Another actual, rational student bearing the triggering last name of Trump, set off a demonstration by hypersensitive stoopdents fouling themselves at the mere mention of that trigger word, causing the eunuchversity to have to shut down for a week to teach the remaining stoopdent body and faculty how to properly respect offended feces and not violate its rights to not be offended, either.
In any case, this kind of sandpoundingly stupid liberal behavior is spreading like abortion activist legs and the email wasn't even offended by that.
Since neither Seymour nor Element had ever planned to enroll at such a substandard eunuchversity -- let alone having heard of it before this -- they're not much worried about blowback on their edit.
Labels: Point Park Eunuchversity in PA, Seymour and Element editing gone wild pet rocks, Wokes are sandpoundingly stupid
Love the graphics the best. The world has gone totally bat-shit crazy.
Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ♥
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