Monday, August 5, 2019

Still Time To Sign Up

Some scammers have decided to try running another UN-organized "conference" to discuss a plethora of stuff they know nothing about.

Just to bilk ignorant respondents out of money.

My pet rock, Seymour, received an invite:

Dear Invitee, UN General Assembly invites companies and organizations to participate in this important meeting. UN convening a Five-day Global Summit of Economists, Educationists, Administrators, Manufacturers, International Finance, Corporate Finance, Researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations,lawyer and law firm,individuals from the public and Private Sector from 12th August-16th August, 2019 in London (UK) to assess the worst global economic down turn since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis, especially on vulnerable populations, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the world. You are invited to take part in the International Conference. Registration to this Summit is absolutely \"free\" and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee, you have received a registration code UN/CODE/67188/2018-UK with the invitation letter, which grants you access to the registration form. The United Nations General Assembly will sponsor free travel costs and all-round flight tickets for all participant. Invited participants will only be responsible for their hotel accommodation and feeding cost at the Royal Queens Hotel. Venue: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (QEIICC) Date: 12th August-16th August, 2019. Conference Theme: Impact and implications of the global financial and economic crisis on sustainable development & climate change proposals for an integrated global response to the crisis. For further details about registration form,visa,flight ticket and other details, write an acceptance letter to be part of this event and send it directly via our Summit Official e-mail together with your cellphone number for confirmation. Send us e-mail: or Or Call Dr. Pitt Thomas for more information +4470457 97796. We look forward to meeting you at the forthcoming Global Financial and Economic Crisis conference. Register Now!!!! Mrs.Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Organizing Secretary) Communication and Public Affairs. United Nations-Nations Unies Division for Social Policy and Economic Development Department of Economic and Social Affairs Room UK2-1324, 2 United Nations Plaza, England, United Kingdom.   

Seymour -- a bit pissed at me of late because I haven't sent him anywhere fun for a spell now -- really wanted to attend this, until I 'splained to him that it was a scam for the obvious purposes.  His response "like the democrap debates on TV?"  Yep.

At that point, my "editing gone wild" pet rock was all in on an edit:

Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 9:37 AM

-- Dear Invitee,
UN Genital Some Assembly Required invites companies and organizations of people who need people to participate in this important meeting.
UN Genital Some Assembly Required and assorted parts is convening a Five-day Global Summit of Econolines, Edufaketionists, Misadministrators, Gender-neutralfacturers, International Counterfeiters, Corpulent Researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations that tend to work gooder than those ruined by Govermentals, Religious Leaders, non-religious leaders, flat and round Earthers, democrap lawyers (who can f**k up anything they get involved with), and finally individuals from the pubic and Primate Sector from 12th August-16th August, 2019 in London (UK), which for convenience is being geographically relocated for four days to Liechtenstein.
Why are we doing this?   Oh look, there's a sale at Target!
Things that will be disgusting will include but will not be limited to:
  • Assess the worst global economic down turn since the announcement of the clusterf**k of The Green New Deal, offered up by a bug-eyed bartender from New York.
  • To identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of democrap congresswomen that dress like Howdy-Doody and look like Mortimer Snerd, and her cockamamie ideas on vulnerable populations.
  • Initiating a needed dialogue on the transformation of the democrap party in the USA, and how it became The Gong Show on hallucinogens.
  • Bullet point uselessly placed here just to annoy David Hogg.

You are invited to take part in the biggest fraud since the Russian collusion investigation. Registration to this Summit is absolutely not "free" and for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee, you have received a registration code UN/CODE/67188/2018-UK which, when combined with fifty US cents, doesn't get you sh*t.  It'll cost you more to be granted access to the thing.  Therein, you'll have access to every life-size inflatable sex toy of Jim Acosta and Hellary Clinton that we could lay our hands on in the short time we found we had to rig this up.
The United Nations Genital Some Assembly Required will sponsor travel costs adjusted for zero gravity space travel if you're from Uranus.
 Invited participants will only be responsible for their travel, hotel accommodation and feeding cost at the Royal Queens Hotel. Venue: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (QEIICC) Date: 12th August-16th August, 2019. This location -- assuming it physically transfers well to Liechtenstein -- will be located on a steep mountainside outside of Vaduz.  If it doesn't -- say it tumbles into the valley below, becoming rather disheveled -- then we'll use the Motel 6 in Zurich.  Special rates will apply.
Conference Theme: how democraps can f**k up a wet dream and about anything else they foul with their touch.
You won't need further details about registration form, visa, mastercard, flight ticket and other details; just write an acceptance letter in Azerbaijani to be part of this event and send it directly via our Summit Official e-mail together with your cellphone number for confirmation. Send us e-mail: or Or Call Dr. Pitt Viper for more information +4470457 97796.
We look forward to meeting you at the forthcoming thing. Register Now!!!! Mrs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Organizing Suckretary) also writ this h'yar and is tasked with Pubic Affairs.
United Nations-Nations Unies Division for Social Deconstruct Policy and Economic Chaos Department of Assordid Affairs When Bill Clinton's in town, Room UK2-1324, 2 United Nations Plaza, England, United Kingdom.    
This didn't, as hoped, elicit a response from the originating scammer.  It did elicit yet another plea from a formerly-abused scammer that is at the point of begging now:
PLEASE STOP EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Woefully sorry ol' boy, but you'll have to write to the internet about stopping emails.  I don't see that genie being recorked.  But there's a sale at Target!  
Not sure if the scammer has a Target nearby but we both reckon it's the thought that counts...

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Blogger Sandee said...

Love that graphic. Yes hatred is their middle name.

Great rewrite and I can see why they don't want you to send them anything else.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ♪♫♪♫

05 August, 2019 11:32  

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