Monday, August 27, 2018

Skunkfeathers And The Woild

Yes, it is.

Periodically I like to look in and see where in the world is looking in on me.

At times it's fascinating.

My one bucket list goal -- a visit from Liechtenstein -- still hasn't happened.  I'll keep kicking the bucket down the road, until it does.

I still get interesting and varied places looking in.  Including one that might be from beyond.

Over the past week, this is how my top ten visiting locations stack up:

United States 173
Russia 166
United Arab Emirates 161
Vietnam 159
Germany 18
France 17
Ukraine 14
China 12
Nigeria 10

That the US is tops again is not unusual.

The Russians aren't second overall, but this week they were...probably bots.  The dems will assume that they're trying to steal my election too.  Fortunately, I'm not running for anything.  That won't prevent cnn from misreporting it, but eh...that's all cnn's good for any more.

Good morning, Vietnam...159 times.  Bet they've seen the movie too.

Nigeria's visits are on the upswing...and not surprising, since more and more of them are finding a site where their scams are being mauled.  Lots of angst in the fly-infested internet cafes all over Lagos and points thereabouts, I imagine.

At any rate, it's nice of y'all in your respective countries to look in h'yar.

But it was in the daily visits for the middle of that week that the curiosity was piqued:

United States 38
Russia 6
Unknown Region
Nigeria 4
Germany 3
France 3
Italy 2
South Korea 2
Poland 2

In the 13 years that this blog has existed, that is the first time I've had visits from an "unknown region". 

Might it be....from space?

If so, I hope they're not disappointed in the lack of intelligent life my blog encounters in the scamisphere.  Then again, we don't need an interplanetary war started because some Nigerian dunce tries to convince a denizen of Uranus that they've won a Faceplant lottery without entering, and only have to send a small fee to collect it.

I can help any denizen from Uranus out in that event:  just copy and use the Zimbabwe currency that's prominent at the start of this post.  It might mean nothing to the good octosexual orthopods of Uranus, but it will certainly convey a clear message to a scammer in Nigeria.

The same message I've delighted in conveying to scammers world-wide the past 13 years of this blog, and 19 years overall.

In the meantime, I'm still looking for that one page visit from Liechtenstein.

But I won't take it amiss if I get one from Uranus, either....or any other celestial locality, just in case the 'unknown region' isn't Uranus.

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