*NOTE: I'm STILL working on getting my Secret Service scammer to make with the picture I've requested...so here's a recent lil' something to fill the void*
From the cornudopia of plenty that is my email scam folder, I had another of those *please make a daid mom's dream come true by falling for this scam* salvos during a rather busy time of email scamming.
My meteorological storm chasing should be this productive.
Anyway, it was a rather badly written, albeit amusingly so, scam letter. So I'll share it, and the only so-called exchange that took place thereafter.
Title: Hello!!! i writ on half of late Madam Nadia Rashid
Good day,
Its a pithy after suddn deaf of pass away mother Mrs Nadia Rashid after all she pass through cemotherpy surgury operaton she go directly by doctor to, and she no wake up again in afterlife. before her die she complain bitterly on her promise to god and she mention you name often until her last breth (is she complaining bitterly to God about me, or to me about God, or about em to dog? Don't look for elucidation in what follows).
Contining she use purse knowing not you abilty to compete her desire over claim utilize of fud (guess she knew Elmer, too).
I must asure you her dealing with you and thanks be to God that she make you benefitary before her die. i dont not to think that there will be misshapen but i must assit to the last to see for the cause.
Yeah, I'm alternating between laughing and *WTFing* here, too, and whomever continues:
my believe is one with God is majority and he can allow out foot to move in time. Ali Abraham in India want to compensat you with some of $300,000 USD for all you do before (whatever and to whomever it apparently was or wasn't). he arrange to bank for atm card (MASTERCARD) which you can use to withdrap money in any atm machine in the glob, and card he deposit in bank at Abidjan to be delivery you (y'know...I think I went to school with this guy, and learned the hard way NOT to copy his test answers in English class).
you have to contact the courer service now were you atm card has be depost . contact them by email to (the email addy) or to spak at them by phone (a phone number with country code for the Ivory Coast). you must to reach DR KEVIN KONE and tell to him how you will get your card.
yours truy,
Busy with five other scammers at the moment, I just didn't take the time necessary to add this one to the list; hence, one of my (un)patented replies that usually guarantees a thundering *silence*:
Oh, come on...don't lie to me. Mrs. "Ever-Ready" Nadia Rashid didn't die in post-op; she died of predatory crotch crickets, contracted during one of her marathon slutfests with the 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Islamist Suicide Bombers Dating Service, International Local 686 ("We Go Out With A BANG"). She KNEW that all those promised "virgins" for getting blowd up, were just rebushed goats, and a lot of anguished martyrs with loads of testosterone, would wind up with no where to go and nothing to do widdit. So I am beyond sure that my name was NOT the last thing on her mind; her last conscious thoughts were on raising her prices before the next graduating class.
Besides, I don't know Ali Abraham, but you should: he molested your pet goat when he was 19. The nightmares you've had ever since, courtesy of the psychic connection between you and your pet goat Cous Cous, are HIS FAULT. Put a jihad on his ass.
I think that I was just as confusing to the scammer, as he/she/baaaaaaaaa was to me: all I got back in reply was my message, with no accompanying comment.
Perhaps it was a suicide message, wherein all the syntax was blowd up in transmission?
If so, perhaps a big OH CRAP is in order: there might be a hole in the Internet, and letters are pouring out. Will "Daddy" plug the hole?
Labels: 419 humor, crotch crickets, Mrs Nadia Rashid, scambaiting
Your creativity and persistance never cease to amaze me...and I guess the persistance of the scammers!
Crotch crickets!!?? Ha!!! I can imagine they are still walking around with their mouths agape!! Wondering what the hell just happened to them. Ha!
Good one
I just can't see how these folks can make a living with this scam. People can't be that dumb can they. Oh wait...there's those democrats. Yep I see how this works.
Have a terrific day. :)
You've got to start enclosing that bandana-clad squirrel picture in your correspondence with these nuts.
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