World Cup mania in South Africa.
Yeah, I know it only comes around once every four years.
Thank gawd. Especially THIS TIME.
Personally, I'd rather watch paint dry. It's quieter, too. One local sportscaster got in trouble with his bosses for referring to soccer as "mainly played in countries where livestock roamed the streets". Another recently opined that "oh yeah, this is the perfect politically correct sport: in the first three matches, nobody won! How's YOUR self-esteem today? Why doesn't soccer try to SETTLE SOMETHING!"
Of course, because it's the World Cup, you can't access some news source without hearing something about the World Cup. Including those horns. By the hundreds. Thousands. Gazillions. Whether it be one or ten thousand, just as annoying, like listening to Baghdad Bob Gibbs babble, in multiple stereo.
I heard one South African official respond to criticism about the horns by saying, in essence, "it's our way, and the horns will stay".
Granted, I'm about as musical as a door knob, but this horn -- I can't remember what it's called, but it begins with a 'v' and might as well end with a 'v', far as tonal quality goes -- would cause water buffalo to wear ear protection. Our local radio station, whenever doing a sports segment that includes World Cup so-called results, feels it culturally necessary to try to break up the sporting news giver, by playing sound bytes of the horns during the sportscast. Even some of the soccer players at the tournament are getting annoyed by the horns.
But it's their way, and the horns will stay.
Four years ago, my local sports source loved to play the call by a South American or Italian soccer play-by-play dude, everytime someone scored (which in this sport, is as rare as an honest politician): it took him longer to say "gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll", than the game itself took to play.
They still love to play his drug-out goal call. But now, it must compete with the horns.
World Cup Soccer. *Yawn* Perfect for napping.
With the sound down, of course.
Labels: humor, political correctness, South Africa, the horns, World Cup Soccer
They were sure that when Beckman came to the U.S., soccer would become as big as baseball, football, and basketball here. Didn't happen. Maybe we needed the horns?
Whoa, that's rich - what about AMERICAN Football?? Jeez Skunk, the only worthwhile watch in that sorry game is the abundance of cute Lycra clad arses on the pitch! You guys can't run four seconds without stopping play, as the coaches slug it out - sheesh!
(S'alright, I'm just still smarting over the draw our idiot goalie allowed through the back of our net.. sighhhhh.)
I would rather watch paint dry too. Soccer doesn't interest me in the least and I love the comment about what countries play soccer. Bwahahahahaha. I didn't know that it was played in countries where livestock roamed the streets. Bwahahahahaha. Politically correct? Who cares if it's true.
Have a terrific day. :)
Shrinky: yeah, I can understand you *smarting* over that gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll!
Soccer's got nothin' on Hockey! Just comparing the size of the goal nets will tell you a whole lot about a sport. Soccer...pfffft.
I am not quite getting the horns?? I mean if they were blown at a score, I guess I would get it. But they blow them all the time. And badly and loudly and, and, and,....sheesh!!!
Soccer doesn't interest me at all, neither does baseball. I can suffer through football occasionally.
Those horns sounded awful, would drive me nuts. I feel sorry for all the folks who spent all that money to attend only to be assaulted by the noise.
Right Truth
The world's obsession with the World Cup shows why American exceptionalism is so precious. Soccer? Please! Give me the Cowboys, baby!
I never thought I would see the day when you and I completely disagree about something, friend. Soccer is AWESOME! Especially when you are playing or coaching it!
Oh, well, I still tough noodles you!
And here I have been thinking I should get into soccer, understand the game, be ready for the next world cup :)!
Well, I must admit it (although rather sheepishly after this post)...I like soccer...played on my school's varsity team for three years before it got popular here in the U.S. But watch soccer on T.V.? Naw...I'd rather play. Hilarious post, Skunk...love your final clincher especially...Classic Skunk! You really do know how to spin a column! Love that! Hugs, Janine
*YAAAAWWWWWWN* Soccer puts me to sleep quicker than reruns of congressional sessions. So does golf and football and basketball and baseball and ... did I leave anything out?
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