Thursday, June 4, 2020

Stupid Is As Antifa Does

An unarmed man is killed in Minneapolis by a rogue cop during an excessive-force arrest, while three of his peers stood by and did nothing.

The man that was unjustly killed was a minority.  The cop was a minority of a different sort; he was in the minority among cops as an oft-complained-about rogue.  The vast majority of police officers are professional, competent, and truly there to protect and serve.

The rogue and his three peers were fired; he's been arrested and is facing multiple charges.  His three peers will face charges as well.

Based on what is known up to now, that's as it should be.  The rogue and his peers deserve to have the full weight of constitutional law dropped on them like a ton of bricks.

But the Left isn't willing to wait for that.  What assorted false narratives and ginned-up hysterics over a virus haven't yet accomplished -- getting rid of President Trump -- now the Left is turning to their mantra, "never let a crisis go to waste", and are fomenting riots.

Enter George Soros and Antifa, happily colluded with by cnn, msnbc, the nyslimes, washpoo, and most of the rest of the leftist-controlled media, along with a lot of tacit "look the other way" approval from the party of the jackass.

From there, among peaceful protests are sprouted shit tsunamis also known as riots.  Again, nodded and winked at by many in the leftist-ruined media and Dem party, including their current front-stumbling moron-for-president, Joe Bidumb.

The rioters are not in it for justice for George Floyd; they're not in it for justice for civil society.  They're being paid to act like cancerous butt polyps by Soros and his viral ilk for one purpose:  destabilize this country and get President Trump.

That's it.

Minorities are being killed by rioters.  Minority-owned businesses are being looted and torched by rioters.  Hollywad celebs and members of Bidumb's own crimepaign are paying to bail out the rioters that have been legitimately arrested for their vile, contemptible criminality.

So one can only conclude that the dems and Hollywadders are aiding and abetting criminals.

As for Antifa...the collection of "useful idiot nincompoops" claim to be anti-fascist, all the while conducting themselves in a thoroughly fascist manner, one that Adolph Hitler would be proud of.

Their primary wallet, Soros, certainly is.

The rest of America should be revolted by it all.  And it should result in a thorough ballot massacre in November of democraps across this country.  Assuming that the dems aren't able to get enough of their ballot fraud in place to overcome the fecal stench of their actions.

That remains to be seen.

Granted, there are plenty of Americans of all colors and creeds that are repulsed by the actions of Antifa and the cover being given them by crooked politicians and twisted media twerps at degenerate networks like cnn and msdnc.

One can only hope that it backfires on the Left big time, now that they've revealed the malignancy that they have for some time been.

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Blogger Sandee said...

Now communists can hold office in California. The logic astounds me.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. 😎

04 June, 2020 08:14  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Sandee, you might want to sail your boat to safer ports before Kaliforlornia becomes a Fourth World dump. That's where the left is taking it.

04 June, 2020 13:16  

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