Sunday, July 30, 2017

Online Job Scam Deflates On Edit

The scammer wasn't ready for this.  Or anything else that followed or swallowed.


Some idiot purporting to be a Mike Murdock has been emailing scam attempts of all sorts of angles for 2-3 years now.  I've certainly seen my share of them.

And like Al, they all suck.

Here's the purported Murdock's latest gambit:

Li & Fung Limited (Chinese: ??????) is a global trading group, based in HongKong, that supplies high-volume, time-sensitive consumer goods. Garments  make up around two-thirds of the Li & Fung business which also covers the sourcing of hard goods such as fashion accessories, furnishings, gifts,  handicrafts, home products, promotional merchandise, toys, sporting goods and travel goods.

As a supply chain manager across many producers and countries, Li &Fung provides
product design and development, raw material and factory sourcing, production
planning and management, quality assurance and export documentation to shipping

We need a company representative that will be helping us to secure payments from
our customers in your country, You will be receiving check or cash payments from
our customers and adhere to company instructions. You will be paid 4,120 dollars
monthly with other company benefits after 3 months of work confirmation. It
doesn't matter if you working right now because this job will only takes you 2
hours per week.  Kindly get back to us with the required information to get

Like everything else from the purported Mr. Murdock, a rickshaw load of rice paddy 'night soil'.

It takes a bit of a different look, however, when edited just a tad:

From: Lie & Phuk UnLimited <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 10:23 PM
Li & Fung Limited (Chinese: ??????) is a global trading group, based in HongKong. 
We're not them. 
We are Lie & Phuk Unlimited, a neighborhood smut shop, also based in Hong Kong, but we intend to go global with your help.
The former specialize in selling sh*t like high-volume time-sensitive consumer goods. Garments
make up around two-thirds of the Li & Fung business which also covers the sourcing of hard goods such as fashion accessories, furnishings, gifts, handicrafts, home products, promotional merchandise, toys, sporting goods and travel goods.

Here at Lie & Phuk Unlimited, we specialize in dildos and inflatable sex toys that replicate
people.  We're still running a 105% off on our Hellary Clinton collection, since she didn't
win and only a small yak herd imported from Siberia seems to have much interest in
mounting an inflatable version of her. 
And our Nancy Bela Pelosi collection only seems to generate sales at haunted houses in October.

As a supply chain manager across many producers and countries, Li &Fung provides
product design and development, raw material and factory sourcing, production
planning and management, quality assurance and export documentation to shipping

Lie & Phuk Unlimited spends as little as possible on materials and sh*t like that.  We're
all about profit, baby.  We need a company representative that will be helping us to
expand our operations from the neighborhood to a global reach.  We'll even market
our crap to nearby planets, so long as they come git what we got.
If you agree to work for us at Lie & Phuk, we'll live down to our name by promising
to receive to you a check or cash payments from our customers and adhere to
company instructions. You will be paid 4,120 dollars monthly with other company
benefits after 3 months of work confirmation.
But you have to work like a broke dick dawg for the first three months before you
get anything.  Kindly get back to us with the required information to get

Name:________Last name:_________________

Physical Address: _____________City:_________________

State:___________Zip code:________________________

Country: ________________Cell Phone Number:__________


Marital Status:_______________Sex:_________________

What are you wearing:__________________ Is It See-Thru:_________________

*Please make sure you telephone # has a really kinky message on it -- I will need to call
you when everything is in place and kinky voice mail helps me get off.

*If you are interested please e mail the application form to me for approval VIA email below.


Mike Murdock (still trying to get this scam to work from two-three years ago..meh)

The purported Murdock usually ignores me when one of my characters does this to his offer to give me the business; this time he simply couldn't hep hisself:

what is wrong with you???  

Burrito farts.  What's wrong with you???  

That was apparently all the repartee the purported Murdock had time for.  Guess he doesn't like burrito farts.


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Blogger Sandee said...

You need to put Maxine Waters in the mix with the other nutso demoncrats. Just saying.

I also want to know what's wrong with you. I mean that in the nicest way.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ☺

30 July, 2017 07:35  

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