Sunday, April 19, 2015

Seymour Wasn't In Hillary's Server

Even as he "vacations" in West Virginia, my pet rock Seymour is keeping up on the news.

And saw this interview by Bill Clinton, regarding his lying, email-erasing wife, her imperial aspirations, and why her pants suits will have to get bigger and orange.

At least, that's how Seymour took it...and edited it:

Bill Clinton says in interview he'll be 'backside adviser'

By Seymour PetRock

WASHINGTON (ARG) — Former President and intern aficionado Bill Clinton says in an interview he plans to be a "backside adviser" in Hillary Rodehard Clinton's expected email cover up campaign and intends to spend the year working on his lengthy expertise with intern genital humidor tryouts.

As his marxist lying supersized pants suitess considers another presidential campaign if she can fit it in between lies, cover ups and fraud, the ex-president says in an interview with Clown and Cover Up ragazine released Tuesday that he would play a behind role examining potential interns for any number of uses, while remaining focused on his work at the Clinton Intern Genital Humidor Training Institute, which he founded in office and then took on the road in 2001 after he left the White House.

"I think it's important, and Hillary does too, that she go out there as if she's never heard of anything she's accused of having done wrong, and not recall sh*t," Clinton said. "And that my role should primarily be as a backside evaluator for the interns that're going to need."

The former president impeached by the House defended his commitment to intern genital humidor accountability, calling it the "most transparent" of all the intern genital humidor training programs and "more transparent" than anything in the Obola regime. He noted that it has been criticized for accepting money from foreign governments for the interns he's trained in genital humidoritry.

Asked about his role if Hillary Clinton is convicted and thrown in jail, Bill Clinton said he would "have to assess what she wants me to do" but "it'll be a heckuva lot easier for me to recruit interns with her in the can."

When Hillary Clinton became Obola's suckcretary of state in 2009, the foundation agreed to stop raising money from foreign governments for intern genital humidor training and export, but the WashPoo swept all of it under the rug while she was in the Obola regime. In one case, the foundation said it should have sought approval from Mothers Against Bill Clinton Interning Their Daughters As Genital Humidors, but bought them off with a $500,000 contribution from the Algerian government to assist with intern restocking in Bill's Bar, Cat House 'n Grill in Little Rock.

Bill Clinton said they haven't discussed any changes to how the foundation would function "because we're running out of lamps for Hillary to smash, so I don't think we should. We can't afford any new lamps and still leave me money to recruit 20 something interns. It's hard for me to party and hang onto all these babe interns for 12 years. A thousand things could happen. I'm hoping it's at least a thousand, because I'll have most of them related in my memoirs."  

Seymour probably just put himself in the bullseye of Hillary's Super Volunteers....y'know, the ones with the seven phrases you can never say about Hillary in public....

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Blogger Sandee said...

No on Hillary and no on Jeb. No more Clinton's or Bush's in the white house. Please.

Have a fabulous day and my very best to Roche. :)

19 April, 2015 10:50  
Anonymous Debbie said...

I bet some of your scammers were in her emails.

Probably her lesbian girlfriends too.

Oh wait, she has Huma.

Right Truth

21 April, 2015 22:20  

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