DEAR Plunger Lips,
I'm Julie Karen...yes, the same one that's been losing arguments with that f**king broccoli
cat in memes for over a year now. I am trying something new, at least to me.
Don't be that cat.
I am the above named person. I am married to a badly-abused department store mannequin
formerly used to sport elite spandex jock straps at Saks Fifth Avenue. Why you ask?
Because like a Ken doll, it had no genitals, but at least it was life-sized.
I'm now on General HOSPITAL doing periodic roles as a gender fluid non-binary 'they-them'
multi-sexual anthropoidal. The doctors there can't figure me out either.
My mannequin husband worked with U.S embassy in LIBERIAN for nine years and also has
an Engineering Company in Nigeria before he died in the year 2022 of COVID after being hit
by a bus full of nuns in Liechtenstein. Yes, I see what I just did there. We were married for
twenty years without a child, and i was brought up by militant feminincompoops at Wellesley
College, always trying to live down to the substandards Hellary Clinton set and continues to
lower every day of her toxic existence.
Now try to follow this: in Australia before I married to him, am From Australia before i married
to My husband who is from Liberia before he left Newark to become department store
mannequin and from that he went onto fact checking for fecesbook and modeling for Mark
Suckerborg. He died as aforementioned which took only four days after the bus backed up
and repeated the run down several times, with the nuns laughing hysterically all the while.
Before his death we were both born again Scientologists with severe thetin levels. Since his
death I decided not to go to Liechtenstein and avoid nuns.
When my late husband was alive he wasn't worth a sh*t. Dead, he ain't worth anything either,
having had no insurance and having spent everything he had on strippers at a strip club in
Sick as I am -- my doctors tell me that I have COVID, cancer, painful rectal itch and oral
genital warts -- what disturbs me most is my winter vagina syndrome. Having known my
condition, I decided to donate myself to any individual that will utilize me in the most
peculiar ways imaginable. Hopefully this will include me getting cameos at staged Antifa
and Bad Lies Matter riots aired on cnn.
The pocket novel I've always used in place of a Bible made us understand that blessed is
the hand that rubbeth the groin. I took this decision because I don't believe Epstein killed
himself, and in my certainty that #fjb doesn't know where he is most of the time.
I am not afraid of a street car named Desire unless I'm directly in front of it when the brakes fail.
I know that I am going to be in the bosom of some grossly obese Bubba from Arkansas, and
that has me throwing up in my sleep a lot. The book of Leaving Las Vegas says that the liquor
store will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I don't know what it was meant to mean, but
then again as I re-read this entire email, I have no idea what the f**k I'm talking about. As long
as you don't either, maybe something good comes this way.
Or not.
I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because Dr. Fauxci has convinced
everyone here that COVID is transmitted through telephone lines. I don't want them to know
about what #fjb did to my hair and other parts during a campaign stop in 1988. With
hallucinogens and plenty of alcohol all things are possible. Not necessarily good, but possible.
As soon as I receive your reply I will probably foul myself like #fjb.
Please assure me that however you will act, it isn't like that f**king cat always has. Hoping to
hear from you as soon as possible.
Romaine and Roman are not necessarily Caesar.
Yours in the throes of a raging yeast infection.
So far, Julie Karen has not bothered to respond to this edit. She might be taking it out on the cat.
I love the graphics the very best. Thanks for the laughs.
Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ♥
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