From the look on the face of this scammer, it appears that they CAN transplant just about anything. At least in email.
'Specially when I'm doing the rewrit 'transplant'.
What began as a simple email online lottery scam, purportedly from Nokia, would be transformed beyond the email scammer's wildest nightmares.
But first, the scam as it was received:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Your e-mail was attached to the Nokia Ticket Number:1110008342 And You Have Won Ј1,000,000.00 One Million Great British Pounds you are to send your full details which is
1. full Name:
2. Address:
3. Nationality:
4. Date of Birth:
6. Phone:
7. Mobile:
8. Fax:
9. State of Origin:
Thank you for being part of this promotional email lottery program.
Mr.Terry Steven
Tel: +44-704-575-4118
NOKIA!2012 Lottery Program
Ain't that nice? Well, what I dun widdit wasn't:
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 3:58 AM
Subject: Dear Sir/Madam/doorknob
Dear Sir/Madam/doorknob
I am Mr. Terry Steven, formerly Mrs. Terry Steven, now in the process of changing my sex by having a baby elephant truck surgically attached to my vagina, to turn me into a man of dubious antecedence with a loud trumpeting faux penis. It'll be strong enough to blow my pants off, or my money back.
I have writed to you today because I needs money to finish this delicate surgical procedure, and I just f**king ran out of it. I still need ё1,000,000.00 One Million Great British Pounds. If you and 999,999 other schleps will each send me one measly f**king GBP each, I can finish this and start my Las Vegas appearances at the Bellagio as Terrance The Big and His Magnificent Trumpeting Penis. And it'll be able to catch nuts thrown by the audience at the same time, too.
Shows are sold out into 2015. Bet your ass they are.
Get me your pound and your full details which is
1. full Name:
2. Address:
3. Nationality:
4. Date of Birth:
5. What/Where You Last Occupied, You Smelly, Lazy Anarchist:
6. Phone:
7. Mobile:
8. Fax:
9. State of Origin:
11.Last Time You Tried To Have Sex With An Eel If You Could Get The F**king Thing To Hold Still:
Send me this sh** to Email: nokiamb12@hotmail.com Thank you for being part of helping me get my trumpeting elephant trunk penis so I can start my run in 'Vegas. Of course, I expect to see you there!
Mr.Terry Steven
Tel: +44-704-575-4118
Terrance The Big and His Magnificent Trumpeting Penis,
coming soon to the Bellagio in Las Vegas*
*DISCLAIMER: The Bellagio doesn't know about this just yet, so don't tell them. If during a performance my trumpeting elephant trunk penis blows so hard that it falls off, I will institute a no-refund policy while I superglue the damned thing back in place. If I don't get the seal just right, it might make my trumpeting elephant trunk penis sound a bit like Tim Conway, not to mention it might spray in unexpected directions. Just sayin'....
So far, I have received nothing back from the scammer or any of his/her peers. I am, however, reliably informed that I will be receiving a protest letter from the group People Against The Genital Treatment of Elephant Trunks (PATGTET), by way of their legal arm, the American Genital Liberties Union (AGLU). Everything has rights these days; even genitalized elephant trunks.
It should make for an interesting read...
Labels: rewriting email scams for fun and annoyance
Nyuk! Skunks, do you NEVER tire of screwin' with 'em?
Don't get me wrong. It makes for great reading...
If they do respond they are going to cuss at you like they usually do. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. :)
You are too much, dude. LOL! I wonder -- do the elephants know about this?:)
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