A simple email scam required a simple rewrite. It showed up as the following:
I am Mr Yul Khao Yai a transfer supervisor on investment in Fubon Bank, Hong Kong. I have a business suggestion for you valued at Forty million FiveHundred Thousand United State Dollars( $40,500,000.00 USD ).Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.If interested do contact me on my email:
for more details.Regards,Yul Khao Yai Simple. Straightforward. BOOORRRRRRINNNNGGGGG.
Even at that, I was at first bereft of an idea for a response. So I went web surfing. And it didn't take long for a *TOING* to present itself.
To: Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 6:17 AM
Subject: Herro
I am Mr Wii PhukYu a tarent scout for extwemewy successfur TV show
Chinese Idor. Originary we name it Horrywood In Bangkok, but our
censors have fit over that name, so we go with Chinese Idor. But I digress-san.
We are about to trump your show American Idor with ratest phenom to hit pranet
since combining The Crapper with Pet Rock (we carr it the Pet Crapper). Our
animar behavior scientists have trained guinea pigs to pray ping pong, and they are
to compete in next Orympic Games. We are most exciteabre about this, yes?
We want you to invest in our pran and berieve that it is most rucrative proposar since
musicar toirets made sprash here.
Prease endeavor to observe utmost discretion in matters concerning this issue untir we
ready go pubric. Prease do contact me on my emair:
for more detairs. Regards,Wii Phuk Yu
I was gratified to receive back from one scammer so blessed to receive a copy of this email, the following inquiry:
r u serious?
I believe I convinced him of my seriousness with this:
Absorutery! And for the first 100 persons to respond to this emair, they receive via the QVC Channer a copy of Bernie Madoff's Greatest Scams, comprete with compretery useress Certificate of InAuthenticity! Can I put you in for one?
I'm still awaiting confirmation. He probably doesn't know what QVC is...
Labels: baiting email scammers for fun and annoyance
r u serious? Bwahahahahahahaha. Yes you are.
Have a terrific day. My best to my pal Seymour. :)
You are a whack job! lol
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