Sometimes, it's fun to get foreign language spam/scam emails.
I don't understand much, if any of it; all the more fun I have in crafting what passes for one of my "ugly American" replies.
After rewriting an email spam that went from offering 'fish oil products' for health (the link was suggestive that it was from Russia -- .ru -- which in my experience are ALL scam oriented), to urging all shrimp cocktail to rise up against their 'peel 'n eaters', all I got for my trouble was a nastygram from Red Lobster, suggesting I'd had a temporary restraining hors d'oeuvre filed against me.
*rimshot, or ducking boos and throwd cocktail napkins*
Anyway, in my latest flurry of email scam/spams, I got this little gem from the bowels of Alles Deutchland:
Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht! Ich kümmere mich gerne darum nach meinem Urlaub. Falls Sie Fragen zu unserem DVD Set haben, oder sich für eines der Seminare anmelden möchten, können Sie in dieser Zeit Herrn Radim Vlcek unter seiner Telefonnummer 08056/ 90 39 37 oder unter der emailadresse info@heil-kunst.org während meines Urlaubs erreichen. Wenn Sie sich für eine Beckenbodenkurs anmelden möchten, können Sie einfach eine email oder ein Fax unter derselben Nummer schicken. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne Zeit und freue mich schon auf Sie ab dem 28.Februar. mit freundlichem Gruß, Anja Corinna Straßner I'm sure some of you more linguistically learned sorts out there know what this ist all abooten. I don't. What's politically correct worse, I went ahaid an' rewrote and replied to it anywho, in my own brand of sprechen ze vass ist loss:
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 5:26 PM
Subject: Bitte Awpeterstain 28.Februar
Vorken loitnen das ist kaput undt alles vernicht für Ihre Nachricht! Ich bin kameraden midde spitzen sparken undt kapoofen undt schtuff. Falls downen goest boomensee on das DVD Set haben, oder gesundheit. Seminare anmelden möchten, morken vorken flieger schiesse Herrn Radim Vlcek midde Telefonnummer 206-339-1245 (yes, I'm continuing to direct scammers to use the US based telephone number a scammer gave ME to use).
Callen undt sayunsee "Das ist hundsfott!" undt hangen uppen midde snort undt giggles undt schtuff. Or emailensee das dumkopf atten info@heil-kunst.org während undt writen silly schtuff to Herr Vlcek.
Don't vaiten undt miss outten on das scammensee of das lifetimen! Vaiten until das ist todt ist verboten undt bad formen undt schtuff! Maken sure du sprechen das Fraulein Anja Corinna StraBner midde deutchen 'B' sendenze du fer das fun undt schlobberknocker undt knockenwurst. Nummer schicken kuckucksheim das crowen midde pecker das in barn yarden ist ge boch. Vunderbar. Gitter dunnenzee by 28.Februar. mit freundlichem Gruß, Anja Corinna Straßner, tart undt fraulein midde snatch fer zale undt rent.I hope I don't get one of these from Uranus; all I know of alien lingo is from Mars Attacks!
Labels: foreign language spam/scam email, scambaiting for fun and annoyance of the scammers
The following is a translation provided by Google. You can draw your own conclusions about its intent.
Thank you for your message! I care about happy after my vacation. If you have questions about our DVD set, or want to register for one of the seminars, you can achieve in that time, Mr. Radim Vlcek in his phone number 08 056/90 39 37 or by e-mail address info@heil-kunst.org during my vacation. If you would like to register for a pelvic floor course, you can send us an email or a fax to the same number. I wish you a great time and look forward to seeing you on the 28th of February. with best regards, Corinna Anya Strassner
I like Jack's translation. Sign me up for the pelvic floor course please. Bwahahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. My best to Seymour. :)
@Jack: thanks for the translation. If she shows up on the 28th, I'll let you know if the pelvic floor course is worth your time ;-)
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