Vocabulary Builder -- VIII
So let's find out:
- what Iran is just begging for
- Rosie O'Donnell in spandex
- an object of disgust (see above)
- a funny blooming idiot
- organic soil material
- spring break post-beer urinating contest
- porridge thrown up over a large area
- sex over a large area
- stuff scattered over a large area
- a dwarfed tree
- Japanese meaning "charge!"
- Japanese meaning "ship sailing divine winds into side of something"
- TV sitcom starring Larry Hagman as a real prick *ducking boos and throwd items*
- Redneck meaning "them fellers phallus all over th' place"
- a real dork *once again...*
- lame antelope
- orange fleshed melon
- if you try, her daddy'll shoot you
- someone the enemy wipes their feet on
- a degree in French
- a tactful person
- a belt-worn case for a pistol
- as opposed to half the cow
- a fire-breathing pastor
- German meaning "petrol station"
- German meaning "ach tu liver, neinen brats undt kraut fer du!"
- German meaning "a small inn"
- a punter in the NFL
- a generous maker of footwear
- a pirate
- used to make matzo balls
- Ancient God of Hiyyyaaaaaaaa!
- sport of unarmed combat
- her relief at having dumped the loser...
- mastered a fractious horse
- a hard white element used in alloys
- French meaning "pruning shears"
- French meaning "secretarial saboteur"
- French meaning "sac le teur", aka "What le Foch", one or the other, or neither
- it's just lust...geddoverit
- then there's enough
- a vehicle with guns, wheels, tracks, and a ton of heavy metal
- em
- obese pest
- "how do you do?"
- Roman meaning "The Gladiator Network"
- Roman meaning "one smart feller"
- name of a Trojan in Virgil's Aeneid, whatever the phalanx that was...
- a leg man does
- a lapdog
- A Chinese call girl
- one cleans his room, the other is setting fire to his sister's Barbie
- contrast
- a horse's trappings
- supply an elevator with fresh air after a fart
- cost of oxygen per square inch
- carnivorous air in a sci-fi story
- Redneck meaning "ya like her"
- Redneck meaning "a revenooer's chase vehickle"
- royal or imperial symbol of authority
- a fish with issues
- dry fruits that split into single-seeded parts when ripe
- a bitching schizoid
- will if stepping into something schleppery *more ducking of boos and throwd items*
- Curly's replacement on the Three Stooges
- awkward or slow person
- lost in a journey of the mind, at least for some with anatomical cranial misplacement syndrome
- song Gene Autry closed his show with
- bowels
- icon have and have nots being set against each other
- computer screen symbols during mating season
- the breaking of images
- sea cliff-dwelling bird
- the crap your cat scatters on a romp
- water trail of a catamaran
Fieri facius:
- Latin meaning "you're ugly and your mom dresses funny"
- Latin meaning "cause to be made or done"
- Latin meaning "your face is on fire"
- a poor person
- have yourself that kind of day
- a fowl that, when crossed with a duck, isn't polite to say
Will there be a Vocabulary IX or Nein? Cast your votes at Verbicidal Tendencies, and hope that if you vote yes, it won't count due to having Florida or Ohio do the tally...
I can say from experience, DO NOT let any Floridian do the tally. There's a bunch there (or should I say here?) that cannot count. It's those people that make us a laughing stock in the whole U. S. of A. Certain people cannot vote correctly.
I've got one for you:
Diplomat: A person who talks from both sides of their mouth, usually trying to please everyone, accomplishing nothing.
Syn: Dingbat, Dangerous, Delusional,
Example: Dealings with Sadr. See where we are now.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
You know, for many of today's words, ALL of the choices would be correct. LOL.:)
You will get at least two "aye" votes at VT, Skunk.
I could be wrong, but I think strew is a verb, not a noun.
Think about it, but not for too long.
Diplomats....doormats all.
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