Ah, the rapidly-approaching April First. The sound of remote-controlled fart machines in the air. Saran Wrap on toilets. Whatever other deviltry can be conceived of.
As for me, I just thought I'd put together another one of them so-called vocabulary builders, to further enhance reader lexicology.
That's, I say, that's an April Fools' joke there, son.
- sex education gone way too far
- coffee creamer for the well-to-do
- fellow class member
- lexicological edification of syntax, cruciverbally-speaking
- see previous word, first choice
- criticism of police for arriving after the crime
- instructor who really bums out students
- a nerve that lowers blood pressure
- when she says "not on your life!" at the end of a date
- what pickle bread is made from
- why she says "not on your life!" in previous choice; she gots one and don't need you...
- an extinct bird
- to fold up
- to puke a hairball
- Earl's half-wit brother
- Japanese meaning "pound sand-san"
- Japanese meaning "yeah, what Miss Piggy said when she thumped someone"
- Japanese meaning "three line poem of 17 syllables, like....
I think I pass gas
Everybody runs away
it must really stink
- town in Iraq
- an orange-like fruit
- a well-stimulated quat will, I'm sure...
- doesn't have a neck
- person who hates people
- debutante with a 'tude
News flash:
- teleprompter catches fire
- Katy Couric's latest try to boost ratings on the CBS Nightly Nudes...
- single item of important news...to someone...maybe...
- a single guy's chances with a Catholic nun
- declining from the horizontal or vertical
- economic forecast in Ireland
- something illusionary
- spirit sex
- elephant orgasm
- refute or disprove
- replacement, since the original one didn't fit in them jeans...
- frog meaning...whatever it means to a frog
- Redneck meaning "sumpin ah dun satin..."
- a fabric
- Redneck meaning "that Loocifur feller the Rev rags about"
- Sick video game
- bacterial disease
- Far East New Year celebration of someone's butt
- one piece leotard
- a tard that's good anywhere
- Redneck meaning "we's all tard hyar..."
- to kick the snarf out of
- Indian casino motto
- beads made from shells and strung together
- Hebrew name for God in the Old Testament
- giving directions...badly
- response when someone says "no way"
Verb sap:
- Latin meaning "sticky substance that oozes from a verb in season"
- Latin meaning "one word's enough"
- Latin meaning "used to beat unruly syntax into line"
- hard, woody fruit
- a musical fish
- a foreigner complaining about a hard woody
- disease seen in zoo monkeys that causes them to throw their sh..dung
- German meaning "ja, du know mine zister?"
- disease transmitted to humans from animals
- something Hillary rarely can
- summon to return
- ruin everything
- one of them robot things in Battlestar Galactica
- structure supporting an aircraft engine
- what the media frequently does without getting facts straight
- hard to do
- what South Park does to Scientology at every opportunity
- a culture of diffidence
- to enforce conscription for a sailing ship
- small container for oil or vinegar
- "screw it" said with a speech impediment
- place to get raven drunk (ducking boos and throwd items)
- iron bar used as a lever
- aviary musical scale
- Redneck meaning "defer taint worth nuthin' hyar"
- postpone
- not to a mink's liking
- a fear of contracts
- a fear of Christmas shopping
- a fear of confining places
Granted, it IS almost April 1st, so I probably didn't mean some of this, did I?
Is this a multiple choice test?
giggle, giggle, snerx!
Pickle bread?! The things I learn from you. ;)
Depressor. I' know some teachers, friends, and people from all walks of life who fit the description of depressor. No matter how good things are, they find some way to depress me.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
If this is you just getting warmed up, I think I will tread carefully around the net on April first.
Loved the billboard!
These are almost TOO funny. I'm sure you'll have a bumper crop for April 1st. And I hope there'll be plenty more after that.:-)
Next batch is burning in the oven and setting off smoke and language-abuse alarms all over heckydarnpoo. Coming soon to a featheredskunk blog near you (around about April 9). First, you get a five part lesson in Russian Bride Scambaiting ;) Take notes; there is a quiz at the end (you'll soon see what I just did there).
You give new meaning to "the dictionay".
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