Post Electorials
Y'all know who won and who lost.
We hope it wasn't the American voter and taxpayer. Time will tell.
But three overlooked things of some degree* of significance took place yesterday, and deserve to be noted:
- the candidate of the The Rent's Too Damned High Party, running for governor in New York State, didn't win. But he's got a website. And a music CD. And he might run for mayor of NYC.
And the rent is still too damned high.
- The City of San Freakcisco -- with all the things a city in the state of Califorlornia, COULD find to be worried about -- has launched a strike on, of all things...McDonalds. As decreed by the city council, McDonald 'Happy Meals' will no longer be able to include a toy. We're saved.
- The City and County of Denver had, among its most pressing issues to vote upon, a ballot initiative to approve, or not, the creation of a commission to plan how to meet and greet a genuine alien contact. Not from across the border....but from across the cosmos.
It lost. Despite the liberal/progressive inclinations of the voter base of the City and County of Denver, a campaign ad against the initiative -- a reprise of the Martians in Mars Attacks!, hosing the Congress -- apparently had its effect. A high ho hearty 'rack ack ack RACK ACK', and space aliens will have to go elsewhere to apply for Social Security and food stamps.
I'm sure there was more elsewhere, worthy of commenting on. But I've got butt-hurt scammers I've been neglecting, to get back to.
* To someone, somewhere, who's pissed that Califorlornia said 'no' to legalized pot. Since the state's there fiscally, that loss really hurts...
Labels: Election 2010, humor, Mars Attacks, McDonalds Happy Meals toy prohibition, no alien commission for Denver, politics
Skunks, for a change there were no extremely ridiculous measures on the ballot in Louisiana.
I mean, except for the Shreveport Mayor's race, and a known criminal being elected to Congress in New Orleans (normal junk).
But, I can honestly say that California really is screwed. I mean, how bad is it when you realize that you now have Jerry Brown as Governor, and can't smoke pot?
I live in California as you know and what Andy said is right on the money. This state is soooooo messed up and we keep electing idiots. Everyone knows Moonbeam Browns track record the last time he was governor. It was awful. Sigh.
Have a terrific day. :)
As decreed by the city council, McDonald 'Happy Meals' will no longer be able to include a toy. We're saved.
:)! That we are.
All I can say is I will be buying my happy meals elsewhere in the future, and with Maine relying on the tourism industry as much as we do, I'll work on getting the legislature to lay out the welcome mat for those space aliens that Denver refuses to welcome!
Why would you ever take the "happy" out of a "Happy Meal?" What is this world coming to??
Without the toys, what makes a Happy Meal happy for the kids? Nothing. Many people in California are just nuts. Rush said they are lost, just cut them off and let them drift out to sea.
Right Truth
Funny you should mention MacDonald's.. last night the eldest daughter and her friend came home clutching a bag of burger's from there. They pass it on the way home, and are regular pests around there. She claimed she was orphaned and homeless, and they gave her a free sack to get rid of them. Shameless Hussey was proud to decribe how she'd murdered me off..
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