Yo Ho Ho

Iranian Navy May Threaten U.S. East Coast
The US Navy has a new threat coming its way, and this time it will be right off the US Atlantic coast.
If that hasn't got you quaking...with laughter...wait until you read this bloviation: The head of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, told official news agency IRNA that "Iran expects to deploy ships off the coast of the US".
The rest of the story -- after the 'grab you by the lapels' start -- pretty much dismisses the 'threat' as "baseless propaganda from the Islamic Republic".
Duh. Ya think?
But hey: after Ahmadinejad fell pretty much face-first into his cous cous with his empty UN bloviations, and even pissed off al-Qaeda in the process, someone there had to try to one-up him in making stupid, unsustainable threats that don't amount to a can of Spam.
So, Rear Admiral Habbibollah "Yosemite Sam" Sayyari, I say bring it on. The US Navy could use some live fire exercise practice in sinking something worth little more than an empty hulk.
Assuming, that is, that any of the Iranian Navy can find its way into the open sea, without foundering.
Whatever arrives, might be just enough to whet the appetite of the weapons crew of one US frigate.
Labels: Iranian empty threats, Iranian Navy, stupid news from Yahoo
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