The IRS has a *branch office* in Benin? Who knew?
That might make some kind of obfuscational sense, when the following is read without that first cup of morning caffeine:
Federal Inland Revenue Service wishes to inform you that your fund that was on hold is return to our office for final confiscation. Note, the total $1,800,000 USD is in ATM Card but was sent to us for confiscation. We therefore wish to know if you still want to receive the ATM Card of $1.8M USD or not. If you still wish to receive the fund kindly provide us with the information below.
Your Full Name
Address To Deliver ATM Card To
Get back to us immediate to receive you ATM Card within 48 hours.
Dr. Amy Okah
+229 99 488 370
Gee...MY local, regional, and national IRS NEVER did this for me.
What to do, what to do....*TOING*:
Federal Repugnant of Benin's Inland Revenue Service wishes to inform you that your sinus passage fungus that was on hold is return to our office for final confiscation. Please note that we are really NOT interested in confiscating your f***ing infected boogers.
Unless you want our ill-uniformed, ill-trained, ill-mannered agents to come audit your sock drawer, get off your fat capitalist ass THIS VERY MINUTE, put down the TV remote and bowl of Cheese Nips, and provide us with the following personal information at once.
Your Full Name
Last Time You Had Sex With A Runny-Nosed Primate
Address You Want Your Infected Boogers Delivered To
Get back to us immediately or our aforementioned agents will arrive to place 1.8 million carnivorous crotch crickets in your sock drawer. We are the Federal Repugnant of Benin's IRS; yes, we can and will do this. We have carnivorous crotch crickets in herd abundance here.
Don't bait us; do as you're bade. NOW. That means right NOW. Not f***ing "when you get around to it"...NOW. THIS INSTANT. TODAY, ASSHOLE, TODAY! Don't piss me off; I have PMS and a breeding ground for carnivorous crotch crickets in my vagina, and I am not afraid to stampede them!
Dr. Amy Okah
+229 99 488 370
And no, I'm not worried about an 'audit team' showing up. I have a can of Raid.
Labels: ATM Card scam, Benin, Dr. Amy Okah, Federal Inland Revenue Service, rewriting email scams for fun and annoyance
LOL You're at it again! Love it!
Address You Want Your Infected Boogers Delivered To
Bwahahahahahaha. Oh this is rich times two. They'll try anything for a buck.
Have a terrific day. :)
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