The topic here today is serious.
And funny.
How much of each is subjective.
Iran is serious. It's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is funny. Iran is serious about what it wants in the Middle East. Europe. Here.
When Ahmadinejad speaks before the UN, he's funny. Albeit abysmally stupid. But funny.
Well, during Ahmadinejad's latest stand-up routine before the comedic UN on September 22, 2011, the usual countries walked out. Those countries could have chosen to heckle a bad routine, pelt the moron with old shoes or other appropriate-to-throw items, but they chose to walk out. They took his bad, factually dysfunctional routine, seriously.
After it was over -- with the same well-worn lies and hysterical distortions, repeated before by this abysmally bad political comedian on the world stage left -- Ahmadinejad had one more scathing critique of his stand up routine.
From al-Qaeda.
That's funny.
Seems that al-Qaeda doesn't like having credit for 9/11/01 being taken away from them, and given to George W. Bush. And giving credit to a politican that the Left always insisted was stupid -- for pulling off something diabolical for devious ends, something they claim he wasn't smart enough to do, yet the really whacked out amongst them insist that he did -- that's a hallmark of really bad political comedians on the world stage left, from Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez, to the real morons of Moron.org and the Daily Kos.
That's been Ahmadinejad's schtick for some time now. Ahmadinejad is apparently jealous of the comedic popularity of Achmed the Dead Terrorist, and his amusing creator, Jeff Dunham. Ahmadinejad, in his efforts to catch up, takes 9/11 conspiracy theorists -- too burnt out on meth and crack cocaine to have a grasp of reality -- as serious.
And al-Qaeda doesn't think that's funny.
But I do.
So while Ahmadinejad joins a drunken Mel Gibson in Holocaust denial -- which isn't funny to Holocaust survivors -- he is shredded by historians who know better. Which is funny, since Ahmadinejad is taken seriously by fewer and fewer folks, every day.
That's serious for him. It's funny to me.
And now he adds to his critics, a group who heretofore took serious some of his "Great Satan" rhetoric: al-Qaeda.
Ahmadinejad should take that condemnation serious.
And that's funny.
Labels: Ahmadinejad's a joke, al-Qaeda's a joke, seriously
Perhaps al-Qaeda will off him and that would be really funny. Just saying. Chavez too.
Have a terrific day. :)
You are so right!! It is funny and pathetic!!
Ahmadinejad, al-Qaeda, the only time I can smile at them is when they are the recipient of a drone missile, Seal Team 6, or something similar.
Now that's something to smile at.
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