Who's Who Meets WTF -- I

*Writer's note: this is Blog Posting #600. Where else can you go to get 600 postings of absolute sh** like this? If you know a place, fuggetaboudit: you got me right 'chere*
I don't reckon the Who's Who folks are going to be near as impressed with me, as these cows seem to be udderly fascinated with her.
But I digress.
Yes, in 2007 or so, I was notified by Madison's Who's Who that I had been researched and selected as a candidate for their 2007 publication. I had been researched under my own name, but the quality of their research turned up dubious at best, as I sold them on my being of the International Crustacean Obedience Training Institute.
Their research department sucked (though I got some mileage and a blog entry out of it with two of their staff); but it wasn't about the research, anyway. It was about the fees to be included in the book.
Needless to say, I didn't get included in the book.
Now, Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals 2011 has sent me a similar invite.
This particular publication -- when researched online -- has a ton of consumer complaints about 'em. Not that I needed to research 'em to know that. I know scam email when I get it.
Read their opening gambit, and tell me if you see what I seed:
You have recently been selected as a candidate to represent your professional community in this year's edition of Who's Who among Executives and Professionals. Your candidacy for membership was officially approved 5/18/2011. You have been selected based upon your professional experience and achievements, and as such, we believe that your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication (I don't know whether to LMAO or projectile vomit here).
There is no fee (BS) or obligation to be listed in our publication (tell that to the many consumers who have tried to get out of it and/or get their 'no fee' money back). We must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe (who got had), each representing his or her professional field and geographical region. As a member of the registry, you are also afforded a unique networking opportunity with other professionals (who got suckered) and potential employers across a range of industries, as well as business coaching opportunities from industry experts. Of course, this unique accolade would be a welcome addition to any resume (if it were worth a sh**, which it ain't).
(at this point, I'm directed to click on a link to their website to verify my profile and accept my candidacy; there was no profile for me to verify there. I had to fill out a brief questionnaire, and more on that below, and they go on)
Our registration deadline is 5/25/2011 (I received this email on 6/8/2011). In order to guarantee your inclusion, your verification must be completed on or before this date (wanna bet?). On behalf of our committee, congratulations on your achievement and welcome to our association.
With best regards,
Jason Price, Vice President of Research Division
Now, this was sent to one of my email addresses; but no where on it did it have my name. So just what 'research' they did on me is anyones' guess. Moreover, there was no profile for me to verify; I filled out a quick lil' questionnaire, from which a 'researcher' would contact me about in a few weeks.
And from there, the fun will begin: according to the questionnaire I filled out, I am Jack N. Ewehoff, of Central City, Colorado, and I am the editor of Fixit Form Letters, a business correspondence letter consultant company (aka, my rewriting of email scam letters for fun and annoyance). So as to make it easy for their 'researcher', I listed my real home phone number as my 'bidness' number, and adjusted my voice message to reflect it, using my (un)patented 'redneck' voice.
Can I get past their 'researcher', and onto their no-fee (BS) pitchman?
Labels: beyond stupid email scammers, Jack N. Ewehoff, lots of consumer complaints on this company, scambaiting, Who's Who Among Executives And Professionals
My husband got one of those email notifications, too. When I just told him that you received one also, he said he was glad to know he was in such esteemed company!
I can hardly wait to learn what happens next.
I suppose I should feel slighted because I haven't received mine yet. snerx.
At least this letter was written with some attention to proper word usage, and spelling.
Oh you'll hear from these folks in the very near future. God they will try anything to separate your money from your wallet.
I'm standing-by for further information on this scam.
Have a terrific day. :)
Did you know that you have to PAY to get into those Who's Who books?
Right Truth
Developing, I have no doubt of! Your achievements speak for you ;).
Ha! The UK version of that keeps contacting me, too (and I'm a stay at home mum)!!!
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