Dear Skunky -- VII
Dear Skunky didn't really outdo hisself on this latest scam bait with two individuals of dubious antecedence; but I certainly pissed them off to no end.
Gentlemen, I do not believe that either of you have appreciated the time, the effort, and the dedication to the business you tried to give me, that I have genuinely and sincerely reciprocated with. I mean, this is no easy feat for a guy -- many years at peace and comfortably disintegrating in the biological sense -- to perform all the feats necessary that you have proscribed I do. When all of this is taken in the proper context, I think you will find that I have done remarkably well, and will alter your last stated opinions of my having treated your efforts as "childish jest and wasting of value time", or however you badly wrote it. Let me be precise in my effort to bring clarity to your minds:
1. I am, in fact, Jerome C. "Curly" Howard, late of the comedy team The Three Stooges. I died in 1952. How you came to contact me is via the wonders of the astral bridge, and extant technology that continues to improve the reach between the physical and astral planes. It's called Instrumental Transcommunication, or ITC for you acronym lovers out there, but I kind of digress.
2. Bearing in the mind the aformentioned fact that I am dead as a recording contract for William Hung of American Idull fame, I wish for you to appreciate the efforts it took me to do the records search that I executed, to come up with the money that you required. Unfortunately, this record search would necessarily come acropper, as records I'd had reposed to a place of security back in 1952, have been rather out of my control for the past 56 years, so the question of cashing in any life insurance policies was, how to put it delicately, soitenly oudda what's left of my hands...see what I just did there? nyuk nyuk nyuk.
3. So, using the ol' bean in an entrepreneurial sense -- it's deteriorated some, too -- I reckoned that if I couldn't get the cash via traditional means, I could improvise. So I did. Now I want you to appreciate the effort here: procuring the tool and die equipment, spending the hours of laborious crafting and customizing a mold, countless test printings and adjustments, until I came up with the poifect mold of a Euro bill, customized and denominized to your almost exact fiducial requirements. I mean, I couldn't be exact: who'd believe a Euro for $14,261? Not even the dumbest Frenchman alive would have bought that, though John Kerry might of, but he ain't really French, he just acts like it. So I made it rounded off at $14,500, to give it that authentic look and touch. As for the artwork thereon, you must admit that it fits your modus operandi to a tee, and symbolizes so well your efforts to give me the business, and where those efforts were destined to wind up from the beginning.
4. All you had to do was print two copies, meld them together on a quality two-sided color copier, and present them at any bank in France. The North Koreans do it with US dollars and Euros, all the time. And if those mental munchkins can get away widdit....horsefeathers....y'all soitenly can!
5. Oh, I know what you're thinking: "if the North Koreans jumped off a cliff, or counterfeited nukes, would you do it, too?". Well, yes, if that's what your scam had called for....but it didn't, so you got what you were deserving of. If you'd asked for nukes, I suppose I coulda found made some up, just for you lads.
Now, I realize this is all new and a bit upsetting to you, Kanga, but the sulking of your dubious bannister is recognition that he, moreso than you, gets it: you tried to pull one over on a foreign dupe, and instead, you've been had by a DEAD GUY. DEAD, DEAD, D-A-I-D GUY. And I'll bet he gets what you have yet to grasp as well: YOUR EFFORT TO SCAM A DEAD GUY THAT WENT PHFFFFT, IS GOING TO BE POSTED ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB, SO THE WHOLE WOILD KNOWS YOU'VE BEEN SCAMBAITED BY A DEAD, D-A-I-D GUY! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Even Moe is smiling at that one...*eye poke* Ow!
Any time, Kanga. It's soitently been a slice! Now if you'll excuse me, Moe needs to straighten another chisel on my head..*whang* Ow!
Jerome "Curly" Howard
The Three Stooges
And widdat, I'm sorry to say, communications with Mr. Kanga ceased, suggesting that Kanga "gets it" now. Nyuk nyuk nyuk...
Damn! I thought kanga might get in touch with roo and let the games continue. Oh, Pooh!
Will these spammers never learn?
Well, I like Dear Skunky but I am still learning the scam-baiting game, but I find myself emulating your style somewhat. I received one from John Candy's widow but she is not very funny.
Ah, we seem to be entering a new phase hyar: I heard from the *black* widow of Yassir Arafat, and you get one from the *black* widow of John Candy?
I can't wait for one from the daughter of Anna Nicole Smith...
That's a great idea. If you haven't gotten one, start one. I bet you could make up a fantastic letter from the dear child.
Naw, that would be just plain mean. The poor tyke has too much crap coming her way as it is. ET should have a field day when she can walk, talk, date, etc.
so many scammers, only one skunk with feathers!
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