And that about sums up Bill Mahar's thoughts on November 2. And covers his IQ.
2010 was quite a year. By many measures, not a great one. But that's life. We've seen better; we've weathered worse.
I'm putting 2010 in my rearview mirror.
And along with that, a few other random thoughts:
- Okay, it's snowing big time in the Northeast. It's winter...duh. How's that man-made global warming workin' out fer ye?
- 2010 will go down as the third consecutive year that Brett Favre should have stuck to retirement.
- Bronco fans are all in a thither over rookie QB Tim Tebow's first two starts (he's 1-1). Small wonder; a 4-11 season had little else to get athither about. Ever the eternal pragmatist, I think next season will be a major step forward if they manage an 8-8 season.
- as for the rest of Denver's sports teams...it is what it is. Though...the Colorado Rapids (soccer) did win their league championship. *Yawn*. But good on them, especially doing it without the Vuvuzela Monotony Choir.
- I was told that I should feel guilty about getting to keep my tax rate cut (from '03) for two more years. There must be something wrong with my guilt emotifier...I don't ;-)
- once again, God Bless the US Military. Past, present, future. You guys and gals all rock. Thank you.
- I hope everyone who loves Christmas, had a Merry one. I hope everyone who labors to eliminate Christmas from public view, had a Merry nothing, and develop painful rectal itch. Yeah, I know: that may not be very Christian of me, but it beats a religion that advocates strapping on a satchel charge, and blowing up women and kids in market places. Just sayin.
- My New Year resolutions haven't changed from 2010; as I said 'afore, I didn't accomplish a one of them. So they'll still viable for the same level of (un)achievement in '11.
- Though, I did promise to not fart in an elevator, and blame the service dog that was riding with the rest of us, ever again. If I can avoid riding an elevator with another service dog, that resolution is doable.
- My pet rock, Seymour, remains 90 friends ahead of me on Facebook. What that says, requires no further elucidation...
- to a couple emailers who do NOT do their research: I am NOT the same person by that name that made the sucky movie Pearl Harbor. Stop emailing me and asking for parts in future bad movies.
- though, it was kinda fun to write back and do my impression of Simon Cowell...
- after over 10 years of scambaiting, the inflow of messages has almost run dry. *Whew*. Now I can concentrate on something else. Danged if I know what.
Okay, 2011, it's your turn. Your days are numbered, so make 'em count.
Happy New Year.
Labels: 2010 kinda sucked, Bill Mahar, Happy New Year, randomness allowed to grow like a weed
Yes. let's hope 2011 is a better year!
You've had a busy year with all the scammers, but I'm betting 2011 will be even bigger and better. You might need to Seymour to work helping you deal with it.
Seriously, 2009 and 2010 have been monumental years in politics here in the United States. I pray 2011 will be a time of not just "stopping" but putting the socialist machine in reverse.
Right Truth
I could have written most of this. You and I think alike and my disdain of Bill Mahar probably exceeds yours. Very well done.
Have a terrific day. :)
Did you see where a guy named Daniel Balsam in California legally sues scammers spammers in court?
Right Truth
GREAT pic of Mahar....nails his real essence.
The election of 2010 was pretty good....at least a very good start.
Happy, and prosperous New Year to you Skunks...and Seymour to boot.
It's good to look back. A neighbor of mine always says, "We gotta keep moving ahead. That's why the rearview mirror is small, and the windshield is so wide. Need to see where we've been, and if something from the past is gaining ground on us, but the view ahead is much more important."
It ain't exactly like that, but that's close enough.
'10 has been a pretty appalling year around these parts. Surely '11 will be better. I have no resolutions. I never make them. I know myself too well. Happy New Year, and merry scambaiting in 2011.:)
I'm sure the scammers will come up with a whole new bunch of scams in 2011 just for you, Skunk. Have a wonderful New Year and give Seymour a hug for me. (yes, you can too hug a rock)
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