Yep...She Dun It

Yep...she dun it.
I wasn't gonna say anything about it; but since she already did...
Not being much of a phone person, I don't make a lot of calls. I had, but no longer have, a cell phone that was so little used, it forgot what its' own number was.
But on this particular day, I 'dropped a dime' (fits the era in the photo, not nowadays) to Monica's cell phone. Which she answered. At the mall.
With FoN.
While we chatted about this and that, FoN -- discernible in the background and ever-eager to get on with the shopfest -- made it clear that delay wasn't getting the money spent. At which point, Monica 'realized she was missing something'.
Her cell phone.
A moment later she found it.
Right next to her ear.
I was a gentleman. Sort of. I didn't laugh. Not immediately.
Granted, we're all forgetful at one time or another. I know folks who 'lose' their glasses, only to find them perched on top of their haid. Missing keys in plain sight are a problem for many. I've been known to get up to get something from another room, only to forget what it was I was going after when I get there.
So misplacing a cell phone next to ones' ear is...*resisting a LOLfest*...unique. I have to admit, it's a first for me: talking to someone who's using the very thing they can't find.
Wait 'til I tell Seymour and Jane about this 'un.
I was on the phone with Monica (she knew where her phone was) while I decided to see if you wrote *your side* of this...and I read it to her so she *knows.*
What a riot!
Monica says dinner is on YOU, whether it's on your head or you're paying for it ;-)
I've "lost" my phone when it was clipped on my jean pocket but never lost it while talking on it.
Iffen she hadn't speaked about it first, I might notten of... ;-)
If dinner's gonna be 'on' me, literally, all she gets is popcorn LOL...
"SHE" being in the third person is well aware that all will be forgiven by Seymour because he is truly smitten with me.
I thought the whole thing funny...had to be honest with you at the time...if we can't laugh at ourselves, why let someone else? Or something like that.
Anyway, I want more than popcorn...geez, have some respect for Jane, will you?
Witnessing moments like this is one of life's gifts. I have looked all over for glasses that I was wearing, but this tops that anyday!
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