Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Other Side Of The Seasons

As with anywhere, there's another side to the best and worst of the seasons, even in Colorado.

As these photos (again, taken by moi) demonstrate.

Two of these photos will be revisited in June, as I continue the "Tornado Chasing For Dummies" series...

Notes: the two tornado pictures are from the same storm in June, 1990, that hit Denver and parts therein (thereafter all over, where applicable); the snowstorm is from December 1987, and the one that I carry memories of every day since in chiropractic bills; and the last is the very intense backside rains of a supercell I chased to Limon, CO, during one of my '05 TCfD episodes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. If the notes from your competency hearing are in the hands of your enemies, I'm assuming they know to be prepared since you are "crazy"...like a fox. The only thing I'd question is the whole Bronco thing.;-)

I'd send you an email address to send that cloud picture to, but if you left one in the comments it's not showing up anywhere. And maybe I'm blind, but I don't see one here either.

28 March, 2006 15:32  
Blogger -tnchick- said...

Wow, you've captured some really cool photos!

30 March, 2006 10:48  

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