
Glory days...they'll pass you by
Glory the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days...
Up to 31 years after graduating from Douglas County High School in Castle Rock, Colorado, I know well what "The Boss" Bruce Springsteen sang of. My glory days of yesteryear -- such as they were -- are now the causes of *yawns* and bored eye-rolls when recounted to the up and comers of the day.
Especially my 10 year old niece.
But sometimes, current events bring back a wave of nostalgia that precedes a resurgence of pride in a life-long association.
In the fall of 1974, the Huskies of Douglas County were new to the pre-5A rated Centennial League. An undersized school in a league with powerhouses like Cherry Creek, Arapahoe and Boulder-Fairview, DC wasn't given much hope or chance by league pundits. I was a member of that little-regarded team, though not a key member. Fact is, I wasn't that good (I was better in track and field), but I digress.
Nonetheless, that little-regarded team went on to forge an unexpected 6-4 record, including the game that was plainly our 'glory day': a 20-14 upset victory over Boulder-Fairview.
Granted, it wasn't the equivalent to achieving the mountaintop; but it was memorable to those of us who partook in that game.
But pride in the school didn't end 31 years ago with my graduation. Once a Douglas County Huskie, always thus. Over the years, I'd follow the sports and other news of the school, with emphasis on -- go figure -- the football team. Good, bad or mediocre, I was a Huskie, and they were my team.
Now a 5A rated school in the Colorado High School football scheme, Douglas County had climbed to within reach of the lofty pinnacle that is the Colorado State 5A Boy's football championship. They'd done it on the strength of a 12-1 record, superb coaching, excellent team talent and effort, and exultant fan support.
Only one obstacle remained, and a formidable one at that: Mullen High School.
The state 5A defending champions from 2004. A team ably coached by a gifted and talented former player at all levels (high school, college, NFL), now a renowned sportscaster, radio personality and high school football coach. A coach who, in a brief few years, had taken three different high school programs to the top of the 5A football mountain, including his now defending champions.
Douglas County knew all this, and knew the last leg of the ascent would be as formidable a challenge as they had ever faced in the football history of the school.
On Saturday, December 3, the Huskies met the defending state champions on the storied battleground of Jeffco/Hughes Stadium to determine the state 5A 'King of the Mountain'. Douglas County went in with full appreciation of and respect for their opponents; but they also took with them one other key element: an unbridled belief in themselves, and a mission to spread that belief.
Those in attendance on Saturday witnessed 60 minutes of hard-fought, good-as-it-gets championship high school football, and the resultant crowning of the undisputed King of the Moutain in Colorado's state 5A Boy's football:
Douglas County 35 Mullen 13
Glory days. They'll pass you by.
Too true, as many of us alumni know well. But for the Douglas County Huskies, and the Class(es) of 2006-2008, this is a glory day that remains forever theirs.
From one humble member of the Class of 1975, a very proud and enthusiastic WELL DONE, HUSKIES!
Now I've got "Glory Days" playing in my head ;-)
Congrats to the Huskies!
Your writing still sparkles as it did in high school and I commend your musical reference; I'm still a huge Bruce fan. I enjoyed reading your reminiscing. Those of us who have waited 30 years for this distinction find it very sweet...even though I have not been a football player. English teachers don't mesh well with x's, o's, and arrows :-) (plus some of us are too short). It's been a great ride. Keep on writing, Mike!!
Your English Teacher White
Your writing still sparkles as it did in high school and I commend your musical reference; I'm still a huge Bruce fan. I enjoyed reading your reminiscing. Those of us who have waited 30 years for this distinction find it very sweet...even though I have not been a football player. English teachers don't mesh well with x's, o's, and arrows :-) (plus some of us are too short). It's been a great ride. Keep on writing, Mike!!
Your English Teacher White
Having had two sons move through the high school level of football, I have spent many a friday night stomping and screaming in the stands. I would rather have watched my boys play in a playoff game then watch the Packers in the Super Bowl. They play with so much raw emotion at that age. Congrats to your team. Think about their "glory days" memories to come :)
I moved around so much in school that it was important to me that my boys have one "alma mater" each for high school. I wouldn't know who to root for when it comes to my own.
I love hearing about people's fondness for their sons have that and I think it's great.
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