Careful What You Wish For...

For those who live in snow zones, you know the drill. For those who envy us, be careful what you wish for. It's a regular in Colorado's high country; it makes periodic visits along the Front Range, in Denver, and points in every direction therefrom.
Periodically -- as noted with the above dates listed -- that periodic visit is memorable. And not all things memorable are things one is desirous of recalling the experience of.
I'm aware of a blogger who so eagerly anticipates a move from the sauna of Texas, to the occasional snowfields of Denver; for that person, and for all the others who envy us our snow, I provide this link to a real-life experience in the March 2003 snowstorm in Denver and points west. A storm that deposited in one location of Gilpin County (west of Denver and the county in which I work), 11 feet of snow over a 48 hour period.
Two coworkers saw property outbuildings and garages crushed under the weight of it.
Got snow? Moving here, you might just get it.
I came to Summit county to ski just as the opened Loveland pass after the March 2003 storm. THey literally had opened the pass one hour before we got off the plane. I never had such a harrowing drive up the mountain, but the skiing was incredible that week. People who don't live in snow have no idea what it entails. Sometimes we have to clear the car lots that I work on 3 times a week. Trying moving 2000 cars between 3 lots, plowing, moving them back, trying to find someplace to move all the snow to and then waking up 2 days later only to have to do it all again...GRRRRRRRR Lets' not mention how gorgeous it is until it starts to melt and then turns black with the dirt and eshaust from the streets.
I complain about driving in snow - because of all the idiots out there in SUV's that think they're invincible, but there's nothing like seeing snow so white, beautiful, fluffy, crystally, and pure. Watching it fall from the sky and accumulate on the ground. My favorite sight is after the snow fall, to have the sun shine, then have a pink sunset that reflects off the mountains.
I remember many winters growing up that we'd have "snow days." The last 15 years or so, we haven't received the snow fall in the valleys that we used to. I miss those snow days.
Karen, what state do you live in that the sun shines after it snows? I'm going there. Here in Wisconsin it is grey and cloudy before it snows, while it's snowing and after it snows. It feels like we don't see the sun for 6 months. I find it depressing. But the snow does look gorgeous when it is freshly fallen :)
TSB: I think Karen is in Utah; same as here, 'cept for the Osmonds (she's got 'em, not us, thank Gawd LOL). Sun's out after the snow; sometimes, as it's snowing. Being from Iowa, I well recall the grayness prior to, during, and well after the snow.
Be careful what you wish for, huh? I may just end up on the East Coast after all...does it snow in North Carolina?
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