Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let it...*BONK*

Sunday, October 8, 2005...a day which will live in infamy. The first measurable snowstorm of the 2005-2006 fall/winter season came acalling on Denver Metro, and points 360 degrees of the directional compass.
It got stuck, too.
Now, this photo doesn't depict what things looked like in Denver proper; but the Eastern Plains did. So did areas south and west of the Denver area. And the Monday morning (October 9) rush hour commute was more akin to bumper cars on a far more grandiose scale than that found at your local Six Flags; even the Six Flags old guy had to sit this one out.
But, like an early season storm, it was here and gone; if you missed it (FTS), worry not. There'll be more.
For me, the storm had miniscule impact: it did slow things down some at work, and it did cause Clear Creek Canyon (aka, US 6) to remind CDOT and us commuters just who runs things in the canyon, as it threw some rocks onto the highway just short of 5:20 AM: one was the size of a beach ball on steroids; the other, the size of a bath tub.
The former Jeep, left resting on its' top against the mountainside, was not amused (the driver wasn't injured, though a witness did say he peed hisself when the bath tub landed in front of him on the road).
At any rate, with the reminder that it's that time of the year again for the joys and multiple, heartfelt expletives deleted experiences of snow/ice-bound commuting on occasion, I offer this column I originally penned four years ago, defining the joys of winter driving, and the various kinds of drivers found therein:
And no, I'm not saying where, if at all, I fall on the list therein...
I have my own conclusions about where you fall in the scheme of those drivers...due to the fact that you're a storm chaser by choice.
But I'm just saying.
That snow is so cool! No wonder FTS spotlighted you!
Hi, coming from FTS' blog...this snowstorm looks heavenly!
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