With the approach of calendar 2012, my pet rock, Seymour, has emailed from his current digs in Loveland, Colorado, that he has had a "psychic vision". In fact, a whole series of them.
I suspect overexposure to one of my sister's horses' road apples, but I digress.
"Is NOT!!!"
At any rate, my pet rock has decided to weigh in with his premonitions for the upcoming year. *NOTE: the writer of this blog is not necessarily endorsing the following premonitions...unless they're funnier than any he could come up with*
Thus I bring to you, Seymour the Pet Rock's Psychic Predictions of 2012 (with me, for the most part, resisting occasional editorial comments):
- January 2 will follow January 1
- There will be a presidential election in November
- Someone will lose it
- Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and Kim Karcrashian will be in the news in 2012
- Like 2011, not for anything worthwhile
- I will have more "phfffts!" for Skunk in '12 (on this, we agree)
- The Milwaukee Brewers will win the NBA championship at the Final Four in March (...uh...)
- Zombies will dedicate a statue to Harry Reid as Most Like Them
- MSNBC will cancel their newest show -- My Favorite Islamofascist -- after one episode, when he blows up the set during rehearsal and musses Rachel Madcow's hair (I wonder if they'll run an ad for that during the Super Bowl?)
- MSNBC will NOT run an ad for the aforementioned show during the Super Bowl; they will, however, have Betty White kickboxing Abe Vigoda for an Ensure commercial.
- Time Magazine will name "Occupy" campsites as the newest EPA Superfund sites
- Ted Nugent will NOT be named ambassador to North Korea
- Mel Gibson and Danny Glover will star in "Lethal Weapon XVIII", protecting Hugo "Playdoh" Chavez from Donald Trump's hair
- Rich progressive people who want to pay more taxes in '12 will simply sign over their estates to the IRS
- George Soros won't *Like* this on Facebook
- Baseball season will open in April with the Green Bay Packers defending their title against the Anaheim Mighty Ducks (....um...)
- Joe Biden will lose a few more hair plugs
- Michael Bay will make another bad movie, and the South Park Boys (Parker/Stone) will parody it
- Hawaii Five-0 will still suck for the way they treated Pearl Harbor veterans
- And so will CBS
- Barney Frank will publish a memoir, "How I Let Fannie Mae Do You While I Let Freddie Mac Do Me!"
- Sarah Palin will NOT read it
- Debbie Wasserman-Schultz won't get one iota smarter than a tree stump
- Guam won't tip over...yet
- A tsunami will not wipe out Pahrump, Nevada
- A manatee protest march through Miami will be averted by manatee indifference
- The Denver Broncos -- despite Tim Tebow -- will NOT win the Stanley Cup
- Howard Camping's fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Rapture predictions will suffer further mathematic errors
- He won't get the ninth one right, either
- a scientist will prove conclusively that a spaceship made out of broccoli won't make a four year aspire to eating it
- December 21, 2012, will be followed by words from our sponsors
- And tax forms from the IRS
- I will travel to at least two out of state locations *hint to Skunk*
- Alien life researchers will think they have *finally* made contact
- It will turn out to be one of the Occupiers, looking for a bathroom
and, last but not least..
- I predict that all of Skunk's readers will always like MY posts best over his!
- *To Skunk* Nyah nyah
Labels: 2012 predictions of a pet rock, Seymour the pet rock
Merry Christmas sweetie!
I love you both so there. I love all your predictions too. I think you'll be right on the money with most of them.
Have a terrific day. My best to Skunk. :)
I will venture one prediction: All your predictions will come true. What a psychic you are and you didn't even charge anything.
Have a great Christmas
Right Truth
Wow, Seymour really is psychic! Astonishing.
Merry Christmas!
Bwahahahaha, Skunks! I mean, Seymour...
"How I Let Fannie Mae Do You While I Let Freddie Mac Do Me!"
Love the predictions...especially about the Brewers winning the world cup, or whatever.
Merry Christmas, Skunks! Hope you have a blessed one!!!
Excellent new topics, always interesting to read articles that are relevant to the topic, thanks for all the great news and responses.
the author of this blog is not essentially endorsing the following premonitions...unless they're funnier than any he could come up with
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