Monday, March 8, 2021

The Meltdown Madam

 It seems that POTUS 45 has taken up permanent residence between the ears of maligNANCY Pelosi, one of the most vile and senile nincompoops in CONgress.

Rather seems like not a week goes by that there isn't a new story about how maligNANCY is melting down over something or anything Trump.

Of course, that's to be expected from someone with the IQ of a door knob, as maligNANCY struggles to maintain even that.

I reckon ALL of the pricey ice cream in her oversized freezer is alcohol-based.

This is the same nincompoop that can't control one of the stupidest airheads to ever be elected to CONgress, aoCortez.  Not totally surprising, since maligNANCY's party led the charge on dumbing down education, but can't control the moronic results of their efforts.

According to the cat memes, this is 2020:

2021 is becoming the year of a new pandumbic:  democraps.

A bucket of water, anyone?

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Blogger Sandee said...

All this fever over anything Trump tells you that he did a great job and they don't want to focus on 46 who doesn't know where he is most of the time. I can't stand Nancy or AOC.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ♥

08 March, 2021 06:56  

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