Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The (cross) Eyes Have It

 This would be a normal person listening to the democrap convention that selected a demented pervert and a broad that can't decide what race she is as their "no standards" bearers in 2020.

Yes, a normal person's eyes would cross, listening to the no God, no borders, no rules, no ethics, no standards, no integrity, no truth blather that the dems put out over the course of their CONvention.

So here I share a collection of dems who've crossed their eyes along with their souls in pursuit of hate and total power to ruin a nation:

Yes, any normal person would listen to this collection of abject dolts and not be able to avoid crossing their eyes in utter disbelief.

That's your democrap party in 2020.



Blogger Sandee said...

They went off the rails a long time ago and I'm not sure they will find their way back. So sad to see the hot mess they have turned in to.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. 😎

25 August, 2020 08:22  

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