Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dems, Ju-ly Badly And Always

 The cancer.

And now Fag wants to replace Bidumb with Drag (aka Big Mike the Tranny).

Of course. 'Cuz if he doesn't, Drag will kick the peewads out of Fag.





Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

In case y'all forgot, normal people knew that Barry Obama wasn't running the show when he was installed in the Half-White House. He is certainly not running the show after Pedo Joe got installed in the Old White Folks House.

11 July, 2024 11:32  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

The Deep State (Soros, et al)

11 July, 2024 15:19  
Blogger Paul Mitchell said...

I don't think that we have ever heard of the person or persons running the United States right now. I think that the same group has been running things since FDR with only two different times when they weren't. I don't think that Reagan nor Trump was involved in the scam, but everyone else was.

11 July, 2024 15:34  

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