Monday, July 8, 2024

Dems, Ju-ly Incessantly

 Dems and truth never meet. Dems run the other way when confronted with truth.

It's like kryptonite to Superman.


Add sharks..piranha..alligators...

and sucked in those too...

Mental illness clearly defined in a meme...

Long overdue...

Karen on her way for another round with Smudge the Cat...

Especially leftards...

Raped and strangled for supporting open borders...that's demtards for you.

LMAO... might have to try that sometime...
No, meant what you said you schmuck.

The ones that aren't dead that is...



Blogger Sandee said...

Love that first one the very best. All are spot on and the sewer and rats and poo is spot on.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour. ♥

08 July, 2024 09:56  

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