Monday, November 6, 2023


Wouldn't it be nice if we had a legitimate justice system?  We'd be enjoying the prosecution of this POS along with his POS assistants.

But to dream.



Lookin' like a bountiful harvest again
And absolutely NONE of it winds up as ethanol...



Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

Yum yum yum candy corn! I've said it before and I'll say it again: if I ever take the jab, know that I have lost my mind and need to be REALLY shot to put me out of my misery! NEVAH!!!! Nope. Also thanks for reminding me to teach my grandchildren about here is the church, here is the steeple, etc ... they go to church every Sunday so it should resonate. I copied a few of these, notably SIGN IF I CAN'T other (hysTERical) and No, I am not turning your water into pumpkin spice latte -- haaaahahaha! xoxo

06 November, 2023 08:28  
Blogger Sandee said...

We didn't take the jab. If we were still working I wonder if they would have threatened us with the jab or no job? I hate this administration. I can't stand most democrats.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour. ♥

06 November, 2023 09:54  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Jenny: had to give up my candy corn 'cuz of high fructose corn syrup and how it triggers my gout :-(

Sandee: my work place has ceased pushing vaccines of any kind since 2021. They finally figgered it out.

06 November, 2023 23:28  

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