Wednesday, November 1, 2023

NOtoDemsvember Hits The Ground Face Down

 She and aoc are proof aplenty that dumbed down leftard education is a disaster.


Love this one!!!

Both my pet rock and myself endorse the above heartily...

It's good that cats can't verbalize along with their frequently on-display attitudes...



Blogger Sandee said...

So much material. We are in such serious trouble.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour. ♥

01 November, 2023 10:39  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Sadly, it's the shape we're in thanks to the Left and no spine rinos, that lead to all these memes I'm harvesting and sharing. I have posts all ready to go well into January 2024. Only December is on a whole a little easier on the mind and eyes.

01 November, 2023 23:50  
Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

TRUMP 2024! I "go as" a feminine woman every single day. Not a costume for me, that's for sure. I sent several of these to appreciative family members. And git 'er done, Japan!!!! Love to Seymour ... may you both be forced to lick your way out of a vat of Cool Whip before the holiday season concludes ... hahaahaha xoxo

02 November, 2023 09:46  

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