Thursday, November 2, 2023

Just Say NO toDemsvember

 And that goes for traitor rinos too.


That's the button we need to zap the wef, un, schwab, soros and the dnc.



Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

That one about not donating to the GOP really hit home, Seymo ... uh, Skunky. Years ago my TG announced that he would never give another dime to the Republican party, and if they call begging, he tells them in no uncertain terms exactly why. Because they are LIBERAL. He says, I will determine who the truly conservative candidates are (IF there are any), and donate directly to their campaigns. Also during "lockdown" ... ??? Nothing changed for our family. We are all self-employed and everyone went to work every day as normal. We wore NO masks (and yes we took flak for it, and the police were called on me twice, a fact of which I am proud), and when I would go to my daughter's house about 20 miles away and I'd pass the huge signs above I-26 that said GO HOME. STAY HOME. ... I said ALOUD in my car: I will go wherever I please and stay as long as I like! And I did. Happy November. xoxo

02 November, 2023 09:25  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Two thumbs up, Jenny!

02 November, 2023 14:07  

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