Friday, February 2, 2024

Pissing Off Greta...Cuz We Can

 And cuz this does and we know it does and pissing him off is fun.

Now to Ground Hog Day and the fact that the rodents are more accurate than Greta ever will be.

At any rate, it's that day again. And once again, folks are gathered in Pennsylvania to, if not fix their voting machine problems, listen to a weather prognostication from a rodent who really doesn't give a sh*t.

So here we go:

Bernie had to work his way in here somehow...

Whilst Greta snarls "how DARE we?", we respond "oh, WE DARE...WE DARE!!!"

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Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

All I want to know is, did Seymour see his shadow today? I go by Seymour seeing more ... or less, more or less, hahaha xoxo

02 February, 2024 19:49  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Seymour saw Alexa's shadow today, signifying six months more of bitter arguments between an obstinate pet rock and an AI of dubious antecedence...

02 February, 2024 22:50  

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