Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June Rejects Demtards Period

 A huge difference between Trump and his demtard haters.

And this is one reason of many they hate him.

'Nuff said.


Demtards trying to look normal screw it up every time...

I use ivermectin and agree...it's awesome stuff.

A he...a piece of crap tranny. Period.
Griffin is a perfect example of the kind of stupid the Left's been cultivating for years.

Bidumb's "decency" on the ballot....

A democrap rally...

The worst prison ever created is where this bitch belongs...

Oh look...Liz Cheney relaxing at home...
Assholes, not idiots.




Blogger Sandee said...

I love Trump and I'll vote for him again. I'm pretty sure my vote won't be counted here in California, but I'll vote for him. They loved him when he was a democrat.

AOC is braindead.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour. ♥

25 June, 2024 08:53  
Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

OK so Liz Cheney? Aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhhhhhhh spit! Ugh I cannot ABIDE that female! God please help us. Love the short clip of her relaxing at home though! Oink Oink! And then: YESSSSS I remember eating at Woolworth's and Walgreens!!!! Those are seriously some of my most cherished childhood memories. Thanks for the reminder. Love to Seymour. xoxo

25 June, 2024 09:39  

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