Monday, June 3, 2024

June Is Proud I'm Not A Democrap Month

 I don't choose to bow to mental illness. 

Neither should you.


A word without meaning anymore, thanks to woketards.



Blogger Sandee said...

Shit for brains. Good one.

Have a fabulous day and week, Mike. My best to Seymour. ♥

03 June, 2024 09:15  
Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

These are exceptional, Skunky. A truly extraordinary collection. Seymour must have helped to curate these. A few of my faves: The first one, of course. The one about reading the directions on the box. (That's totally me.) The one about boycotting any company that comes at me with any "pride" anything. The one about what bird flu looks like under a microscope. The one about no blue states. The one about swinging so high that the poles lifted out of the ground. The one about Straight Lives Matter. That one about what your inside cats miss (my Sweetness is 100% inside). The one about 30 days of pride month advertising. The one about how I'll look when I'm 100 years old. Well done, my friend! xoxo

04 June, 2024 12:09  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

Thanks, Sandee and Jennie. My source for these never fails me.

04 June, 2024 22:39  

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