Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June Is NO To Dems Now And The Rest Of The Year

How I wish it were hellary and maligNANCY under that house....


Pity the fool that got my bag...

..or some other vowel...

The fauxbi...'nuff said. 



Blogger Sandee said...

The liberals have gone completely off the rails. What they accuse us of is what they are doing.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour. ♥

18 June, 2024 08:30  
Blogger Jenny the Pirate said...

That "Miss Maryland" thing makes me want to spit nails. How dare they? I need me some of that cocaine-laced soda pop STAT! Haahahahaa just kidding ... love to Seymour xoxo

18 June, 2024 10:01  

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