Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Goodbye Fascistbook

 Welcome to 2021.

Granted, before we got here, Fascistbook and TWITter had gone full Nazi, and began censoring groups and individuals that didn't tow the Leftist line.

They'll still post comments by rabid Leftists demanding that Trump supporters be jailed, deprogrammed, thrown in camps, etc.

But post a comment questioning Dominion voting machines and the known software glitches that caused significant fraud in the 2020 election....OR anything about the fraud, bribery and corruption of the Bidumb family with the Russians...and PFFFFFT, you are censored.

The Left called for and successfully pulled off the infiltration of the January 6 DC protests, creating the violence that they knew the DNC and fascist media would pin on Trump.  They borrowed from the Nazi playbook of 1933, when the Nazis burned down the Reichstag, blaming it on a communist uprising, and used it to pass the Enabling Act, allowing Hitler to rule as a virtual dictator.

As Hitler did then, they are demanding conservatives be banned and worse.

Well...I was on fascistbook for a long time.  I was connected to family and friends there.  A couple high school friends and one from junior high found me there.  Even my ex-fiancee found me there (and no, not for ill reasons).  For a long time, it was fun to be there, posting the silliness I posted on my page, and while it lasted, expressing myself candidly on some of the political sites that were then allowed to post free expression.

Then came the all out assault on conservatives by the Left....all because Trump WON in 2016, instead of Hitlery.

 And their rabid hatred fueled one fraudulent investigation after another, along with a bogus impeachment.  Even now, as Trump leaves office, they're trying to impeach him again, so he can't run in 2024.

That kind of insane hatred and criminal corruption defines what the Left has become.  I don't call Pelosi maligNANCY for nothing.  And that's why I'll never kowtow to the Left.  Ever.

Meantime, I have kicked Fascistbook to the curb.  Like I did with TWITter two years ago, I have closed my account there.  Totally.  I won't be back.  Not to a fascist-operated site.  

And that is what both TWITter and Fascistbook have become.

Yeah, George can buy all the Antifa/BLM nazis he wants...he can't buy me.

This is my 1725th post on this blog since June 2005.  It may be perhaps my last post for a while...or for good.  Guess I'll wait to see how corrosive the crooked regime that took over today will become.

That said, long as we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights, when I do post, I will speak my mind.  For now, there's not one damned thing TWITter or Fascistbook, Antifa or the DNC can do about it.



Blogger Sandee said...

It's been over a week since I left and I don't miss it one bit. I dumped Twitter too. I'm a happier person.

Have a fabulous day, Mike. My best to Seymour and Element. ♥

20 January, 2021 08:24  
Blogger Skunkfeathers said...

You can find me on MeWe if you try that platform. Happy is good!

20 January, 2021 17:45  
Blogger Herb said...

We left most of the social networking years ago and got along just fine without it. Your pic made me think of Spike Jones and the City Slickers

21 January, 2021 13:00  

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